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Tommy was awoken by a loud yet slow knocking at the door. "Will" Tommy said, waking Wilbur up. "What's that noise?" He asked. "I don't know, stay here" Wilbur said, getting up and looking through one of the windows. He didn't see anyone at the door. He kept looking just in case and saw a little spiral of a particle at the door.

Wilbur looked back at Tommy, "it must be the wind" he said nervously, knowing damn well that it was not the wind, but a weird, green manipulator. "You sure?" Tommy asked him. "Mhm, try and get some sleep, I'll be right back ok" Will said with a smile, watching as Tommy nodded and closed his eyes again. He then crept out the back door and to the front of the house.

"Why, why are you so obsessed with Tommy huh" Wilbur said whilst looking around, no longer seeing the particular at the front door. "Well you see, Tommy's very weak and traumatised so he's easy to take control over" he heard Dream say whilst he circled him. "Why are you like this, who hurt you" Wilbur laughed. "Oh you don't even know" Dream said, sounding kinda sad. "What has happened to you that has made you like this" Wilbur questioned.

"Well I don't have anyone anymore so you can probably guess why im like this" Dream answered. Wilbur then heard the front door open. He quickly looked over to see a sleepy Tommy standing at the door. "Wilbur what are you doing?" He asked whilst rubbing his eyes. Wilbur then saw the partials again except this time, they were going towards Tommy. He quickly ran to Tommy, pushed him inside and closed the door. "Go upstairs and wake up Technoblade".

Tommy knew this was serious since he never calls Techno by his full name so he quickly climbed the ladder and ran into his room. "Techno, Wilbur used your full name so something has to be wrong" Tommy said as he closed the door and went over to his bed. "What" Techno said sleepily. "Somethings wrong, go ask Will" Tommy said again, watching as Techno quickly got up and went down the ladder. "Go to Phil just in case" he said before disappearing down the ladder.

Tommy then went into Phils room and closed the door behind him. He then went over to his bed and sat down. Tommy then heard a loud bang, like someone had been hurt. Phil woke up from this and looked at Tommy. "What's happening" he asked Tommy.

"I-I don't know, there were loud knocks at the door so Will went to check it out, when I went to see what he was doing he pushed me back inside and closed the door, he then told me to go to Techno so I did, he then told me to come here whilst he went to see what was going on and now we're here" Tommy explained.

"Oh right, I'm sure it's nothing but just in case, stay here for now whilst they sort, whatever it is, out" Phil said as he got up, locked the door and laid back down on his bed. They soon then heard yelling, it sounded like Techno. Tommy instantly got more scared and shuffled more towards Phil without noticing. "You alright" Phil asked him, making Tommy jump. "Mhm" he responded quietly. "It's gonna be alright" Phil said with a smile, receiving a small smile back.

A couple hours had past until they heard someone coming up the ladder, then another person. They then heard knocking on the door. "Phil? Tommy?" They heard Wilbur say. "W-Will what happened?" Tommy asked. Phil then got up, unlocked the door and opened it, revealing Wilbur and Techno who had little blood splatters on them. Tommy instantly looked away and covered his eyes. "What happened?" Phil asked.

"Dream was invis, Tommy opened the door so he must've snuck in as I closed the door, once Tommy left to Technos room I started looking for him, Techno then found him so we punched him a couple of times and threw him out" Wilbur explained as Techno walked past him and to Tommy, also covering the blood with his cloak as he walked. "Hey Tommy, its alright now" Techno said calmly as he sat down next to him.

"I-is he gone" Tommy asked with tears in his eyes. "Yes he's gone, your safe now" Techno comforted whilst bringing him into a hug. Tommy did a sigh of relief whilst feeling a lot safer. "Where did he go?" Tommy asked. "Into the distance somewhere" Wilbur answered, receiving a worried nod off Tommy.

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