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"Tommy put your stuff in the whole" Tommy backed away, "No that's my stuff!" "TOMMY, DO IT NOW OR I'LL KILL YOU!" Dream yelled. Tommy dropped everything into the whole with tears streaming down his face whilst being pushed back by Dream. "Good, now since you didn't listen first time you get a punishment" Dream said, stepping closer and closer to Tommy. "No wait PLEASE".

"TOMMY" Tubbo yelled. Tommy woke up with a jump and frantically looked around. "T- Tubbo" Tommy whispers. "Yes it's Tubbo, come here, wanna tell me what happened?" Tubbo said calmly whilst pulling Tommy into a hug. Tommy's breathing was very fast and he was sweating and shaking a lot. He soon calmed down from the hug. "Well I w-was back in e-exile and he w-was telling me to put my s-stuff in the whole again" Tommy managed to get out, starting to panic again.

"Hey it's ok, it's ok, ur not there anymore, ur at home with me!" Tubbo said, looking Tommy in the eyes. Tommy tightened the hug, feeling a lot safer than before. "Hey Tommy, do u mind if I invite Ranboo around?" Tubbo asked. Tommy nodded, still hugging him and still a little scared. [knock knock knock] "Tommy please let me go your hurting me and I need to get the door" Tubbo pleaded, trying to get up. Tommy loosened his grip but didn't let go.

Once he finally got to the door and managed to open it Ranboos entered. "Hey gu- what's wrong with Tommy?" Ranboo asked. "Nightmares" Tubbo said, letting Ranboo in. "Tommy please get off me, it's hard to move around" Tommy got off, unhappy tho. "Can we go on a walk, I need primes right now" Tommy asked. They all agreed and started walking, instantly making Tommy feel better from the cold air.

Once they got to the end of the path they headed to the hotel to see Sam Nook. "SAM!" Tommy yelled, running up to the NPC. "Good morning TommyInnit and TommyInnit's friends" "Good morning Sam, how's everything today" Tommy asked, hugging Sam Nook. "Just a normal fine morning, how are u TommyInnit". They kept having a conversation whilst Tubbo saw Jack inside the hotel and went to talk to him.

"Hey Tubbo, you like my new hotel" Jack said, excited about 'his' hotel. "Jack you know this isn't your hotel right" Tubbo said calmly, trying to not get annoyed at him. "No it is, since Tommy died I took over" Jack said, looking real proud. They continued to argue until Ranboo heard Dream being brought up in the argument, instantly covering Tommy's ears. Luckily Tommy didn't hear and instead looked up at Ranboo confused. He then uncovered Tommy's ears, hearing as the conversation ended.

Soon after, Tubbo walked out with bruised knuckles. "Tubbo!" Tommy said, running up to him. "Are u ok?!" "I'm fine Tommy" Tubbo laughed. Tommy didn't listen and instead dragged Tubbo back to his house to fix his hand. "Tommy really I'm fine" Tubbo laughed again. "No ur not" Tommy said, finding the bandages and fixes Tubbo's knuckles. "What happened?" Ranboo asked.

"Jack brought up something and I got mad so I punched him multiple times" "what did he say?" Tommy asked. "It's doesn't matter" Tubbo said. Ranboo knew it was about either Dream, the prison or Tommy's death so he didn't question anything. "I'm bored" Ranboo then proceeded to say. "Well boo hoo... I am kinda to" Tommy said. "I wanna go camping!" Tubbo said excitedly. They all agreed on that and got ready, plus it would be good to get Tommy's mind off things and instead have fun.

Once ready, they all had lunch and went to the woods. When they had finally found the right spot, they all set up their tents and bags. It was to quiet so Tommy put some music on. Before this, Tubbo and Ranboo had talked about taking Tommy out here to just relax and chill out.

As the sun started to set they got out the marshmallows, put them on a clean stick and cooked them. Tommy was to busy looking at the sunset to focus on the burned marshmallow infront of him. *Its so pretty... why can't I be like that* Tommy thought. He put on some relaxing music and chilled whilst the cool air of the evening refreshed him. When it started to get cold, they put out the fire and went to bed. Tubbo went to his dark green one, Tommy to his red one and Ranboo to his black one. It was hard to get to sleep but they all managed anyway.

School sucks... like a lot.

That's all I really had to say :)

(Also sorry for short chapter again 😅)

797 words

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