Operation Escape

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It was almost midnight. Tommy was sitting on his little blanket, waiting for Wilbur. He heard the door open and saw... Dream. "Hey brat, I'm going home now, try and pull anything and the systems alarm will go off and I'm pretty sure you won't want that to happen now will you" Dream said, getting closer to Tommy. He tried to back up but was stopped by the wall. He put his knees up to his chest as he felt tears sting his eyes. "P-please don't" Tommy begged quietly, putting his arms up.

He then felt Dream grab his wrist and bring it up, extending his arm. He then grabbed his pocket knife and cut Tommy's arm. Tommy flinched at the pain. "Ow, i-I'm s-sorry" Tommy said, trying to break free. "That's ok I guess" Dream said whilst looking at the cut, soon after he left and locked the door. Tommy was hyperventilating and shaking. *Just like exile except in a cell... still trapped I guess* Tommy thought, tears streaming down his face. He soon heard the door open again and a worried face run in.

"Tommy! It's alright, it's ok" Wilbur said, sitting down with him and hugging him. "I-it hurts" Tommy cried out quietly. "It will, here" Wilbur grabbed the blanket and started to clean the wound. "Come on, the sooner we start the quicker we'll escape" Wilbur said, holding Tommy's hand and pulling him up. "It's going to be ok" Wilbur said one last time before running out the cell with Tommy, taking a left and running down the corridor. "3, 2, 1" Wilbur counted down before unlocking the door and running out, hearing the alarm go off.

"Come on!" Wilbur yelled. He ran into the woods and stopped to catch a breath. He sat Tommy down next to a tree, seeing he was panicking. "It's ok, just breathe with me, ready" Wilbur said, breathing loudly. Tommy looked at him and focused on his breaths. After a minute of breathing he soon settled down. "It's ok, your free now and he's not going to hurt you. Do you know anywhere we could go?" Wilbur asked. Tommy nodded "Philzas".

He got up, still holding Wilbur's hand and ran to his house, trying to find any sort of familiar way. After a few minutes, Tommy found the way and ran with him. They soon saw the house in sight and sighed of relief, fast walking to the house. "Just up these steps" Tommy said, feeling a tug. He turned around and saw Wilbur looking at him.

"Come on!" Tommy said excitedly. "I-I cant, he might hate me" Wilbur stuttered, looking at the snow. "He won't hate you, he has no reason to!" Tommy said, pulling him up the steps and knocking on the door.

The door soon opened, revealing Phil. "Hey Tommy... W-Wilbur?" Phil said in disbelief. "H-hey dad" Wilbur replied, squeezing Tommy's hand a little, not noticing he did so. Tommy noticed this and looked at him, his other hand was fidgeting with his clothes. "Hey Phil, he just helped me escape Dreams 'secret hideout/base' so can we stay here for a bit" Tommy said, making small circles on Wilbur's hand with his thumb. "I- of cause" Phil said, moving out the way for them.

Wilbur hesitated but was pulled in by Tommy anyway. "Tommy your arm!" Phil rushed and grabbed his wrist, making Tommy gasped and flinch backwards into Wilbur. Will put his arms around Tommy to comfort him and spoke "Dream cut him before I had the chance to help, I'm guessing he grabbed his wrist". "I'm sorry, let me go and get some bandages then you can tell me what happened" Phil said, going over to the medical box and grabbing them.

"It's ok, he didn't mean to" Wilbur whispered into Tommy's ear, calming him down a bit as he nodded. Will put his arms down again as Phil came back over and wrapped Tommy's arm up after cleaning the blood. They soon heard someone coming down the ladder. "Who was at the d-" Techno was about to continue before spotting Wilbur. "Ok what kinda spell is this" Techno joked. "I- I can go if you don't want me here" Wilbur said, turning around to walk out.

"Oh no your not going anywhere" Techno said, pulling him back inside. "How are you here and where's Ghostbur" Techno started to questioned. "Dream revived me and Ghostburs gone" Will answered. "How did Dream revive you exactly?" Techno continued. "Something about this revive book thingy" Wilbur said, making Tommy instantly look at him and start hyperventilating again. Phil noticed this and started to calm him down. "Tommy look at me, it's ok, your alive and well ok" Phil said, bringing the other twos attention.

"Tommy its ok, just breathe with me ok" Techno ran over to him along with Wilbur by his side. He then started breathing loudly, Tommy looking up at him and copied. Once he calmed down, Wilbur hugged him. "What's wrong? Did I do something?" He asked. "T-the b-book" Tommy stuttered. Wilbur quickly understood. "It's ok, that books far away now" Wilbur tried to comfort but didn't really know what to say. Tommy nodded and hugged him back.

"Do you guys wanna stay here for the night" Phil asked. "I-if you don't mind" Will responded, getting out of the hug. Phil nodded and went to go and get some blankets for the 2. "Try anything and your out" Techno said, giving Wilbur a death glare before going upstairs. Tommy laughed and looked at Wilbur who just looked terrified. "I'm sure he doesn't mean it" Tommy said, hugging him. "I've missed you so much man" Tommy said, smiling at him. "I've missed you to brother" Wilbur smiled back.

Wilbur, Tommy and Phil sat down on the sofa as Wilbur told Phil what happened whilst Tommy fell asleep on Will with the blanket over them. "Then the alarm went off but we just kept on running. But that also means that he's still out there, somewhere" Wilbur said. Soon after, they said good night and went to sleep.


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