Chapter Five

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Alyssa woke up to sound of Jakob yelling and screaming at his iPad. Both Lys and Connie correctly guessed he got sniped in Fortnite.

"Welp," Connie said wearily. "I guess there's no chance we're going back to bed."

"That's too bad." Lys said with obvious disappointment in her voice. "I really wanted to squeeze in another hour or two."

"Trust me, when Jakob is up and at 'em this early, there's no godly way you can go back to sleep."

"Oh, I believe you!"

The two made their way out of their room and down the stairs. "So..." Connie paused. "What do you want to do on your first full day here?"

Lys remembered her conversation with Maddox. "Well... I was hoping to meet up with a friend I met yesterday."

"Who? I think I might know them."

"Max Steen, or something," She lied. "I don't remember."

"Oh god." Connie's eyes widened. "Tell me you weren't hanging out with Maddox Stein."

"I wasn't? He kinda found me at the old site of the workshop of your grandfather. Then he went on about how that wasn't the actual site." Lys's stomach began to slowly drop. "Why, what's so bad about him?"

"He's such a tool. He's completely self centered. I dated him for about three months and man, do I wish I could get that back. I broke up with him after he asked me for nudes."

"You didn't actually send, did you?"

"God, no! And I blocked him before he could send me any."

This explained so much. Why he was so set on having Alyssa meet up with him at a secret location. Lys quickly pulled out her phone and decided to let Maddox know she'd changed her mind and that she wouldn't be going. Then, she started rereading the conversation from last night. She remembered how even though she had felt really tired, she was so ready to go find Joey Drew's old workshop. Even if she was seeing it with someone like Maddox. 

"Good morning, girls!" Annie said cheerfully.

"Mom, how are you always this optimistic in the mornings?" Connie asked with a yawn somewhere in between. "Even with Jakob as your kid?"

"I don't know, I guess I'm just a morning person. Anyways, what can I get you two lovely ladies?"

"Well, what is there to eat?" Lys asked.

 I'm making pancakes right now, but I can always get you something else." Annie responded. 

"I'll have just that, please!"

"Okay, one Annie special coming up!"

"Make that two!" Connie said with another yawn thrown in. 

"While I'm at it, I'll make some tea for you, Connie. You're more than welcome to have some too if you want, Lys." Annie said, already heating up tea bags.

After about ten more minutes of Jakob raging, he finally came downstairs and had a couple pancakes too. In fact, he had so many, that there was only one left over for Derrick. The only reason Jakob hadn't eaten it was because he was way too full. After breakfast, Lys and Connie went back upstairs, got dressed, and went into the hall. The hallway between Connie's room and Jakob's room had the huge window, plus a small seating area in the corner near the door to Jakob's room and a small TV, where Jakob could play Fortnite if he really wanted to. There was also a Nintendo Switch sitting on the TV stand.

"So," Connie started. "Where are you going off too?"

"The Burger King not too far from here." Alyssa responded.

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