Fog'd In

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"Ravi! Local meteorologists are calling this fog's condensation density unprecedented!" Tiffany said, looking at the pad.

"I know! This is the most exciting thing to happen at camp since the bathroom stalls got doors." Ravi smiled.

"I never knew you shared my interest in studying extreme weather events," Tiffany said.

"Absolutely. Back home, I even started a club named Best Friends for Weather. Or it will be called that, once I get a second member," Ravi explained.

"If anybody needs me, I'll be out picking up food for the week," Murphy announced.

"Let me guess, because of the fog, the highway will become a roadkill buffet?" Tiffany questioned.

"No, wise guy, because of the fog, the cops can't see me dumpster diving behind Julio's Dim Sum Palace." Murphy laughed before walking away.

"Well, that would explain why there were rats in last week's Chinese food," Griff said, looking at me.

"So that's why my spring roll winked at me." Tiffany smiled.


"Where is Murphy?" Lou asked in disbelief as Hazel walked me into the Mess Hall.

"Guys, I don't know what's going on, but (Y/n)'s exhausted. She's been asleep ever since she was out with Griff," Hazel explained.

"Here," Griff said, supporting me under the arm as they carried me to a table.

"Hazel, I'm fine, I told you. Just tired," I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Homegirl's about to be Sleeping Beauty." Ravi smirked.

"I am no princess," I said, laying my head on the table.

"Hey, stay awake." Griff nudged my shoulder.

"No, I'm tired." I shook my head.

"Xander, Emma, Ravi, and (Y/n)'s brains really are messed up," Lou said.

"So is yours, if you believe them. They're pranking us. Or trying to, because I'm not buying a word they say. You forget that (Y/n) is a great actor," Xander scoffed.

"My word is bond, son!" Ravi yelled.

Jorge ran in, cawing like a bird as I spasmed in my sleep. Griff looked at me with concern.

"What happened to Jorge?" Lou asked in disbelief.

"Jorge. Jorge. What's happened to Jorge?" Jorge said in a parrot-like voice.

"Oh, no! The damage to his frontal lobe seems to have induced a case of Avianthropy," Tiffany said worriedly.

"Oh, please. Jorge thinks he's a bird? Do you guys really think I'm that stupid?" Xander questioned.

"Stupid. Stupid," Jorge repeated.

Zuri walked in, skipping.

"Zuri, why weren't you holding your breath out there?" Tiffany scolded.

"Why would I hold my breath when I have all this beautiful fog to breathe in? And I got to hug four dead squirrels on my way over here," Zuri said happily.

"Why do you sound so happy?" Lou asked.

"I'm always happy! Lou, Xander, have I ever thanked you for being... well, just the best darn counselors ever?" Zuri asked, pulling both of them into a hug.

"Zuri is complimenting us?" Xander said in disbelief.

"She's been fogged!" Lou exclaimed.

Murphy ran in, holding his nose with a rag. "Guys, I just came from town! Everyone's infected by some weird fog that's making people crazy! The Mayor thinks he's a lobster!"

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