Closer Together

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I walked back into the building I spent most of my young life in. I smiled at the doorman, the back of my mind thinking of Tony. He was still in LA with Jessie, the two trying to make up time together.

"Hey, new building neighbors," the doorman informed us.

"Did Chesterfield finally move out?" I questioned in disbelief.

"Not a chance." The man shook his head with a small frown. "They moved the guy next to her to the Bahamas."

"Aw. Luke's gonna miss him," I admitted. Luke liked to say hi to the guy because the old man once stood up to Chesterfield complaining about everything.

"We all will," the doorman replied. "Welcome back, Prescott."

"Thanks." I smiled as the elevator door finally opened.

I smiled when I finally reached my home. The memories of Zuri's old toys being sprayed across the living room crossed my mind. Man, we had grown up. Emma's music blasted from upstairs, making me smile. The Ross kids were home for the time being. They didn't really want to rush getting their own homes since half of us were still in school.

Lana Del Rey rang through my ears as I dragged my luggage upstairs. I knocked on her door two times, simply giving her the signal that I was home. My room was clean and barely dusty when I walked in. I'd have to immensely thank Bertram later. The volume was lowered on the music as I set my luggage on my bed.

"(Y/n)!" Emma shouted excitedly. "Do you want to go get some fresh air? I've stuffed myself in the penthouse for the past few hours designing."

"I've gotten fresh air all summer," I reasoned.

"Still. You and I could go to your favorite food place, just do all the fun stuff," Emma pointed out. "And we could drag Zuri and Luke around, too."

"Where's Ravi?" I asked curiously.

"This science week thing at the museum. Won't be back until later," Emma explained. "Come on, are you in?"

"Fine, but just us two," I agreed.

"Completely fine with me."

"Emma! (Y/n)!" Zuri called. "Stuart and I are going out, just so you know where I am."

"We'll bother you every five minutes, got it," I replied teasingly.

Zuri sighed, and I could hear the eye roll as she made her way downstairs.

I let my hair loose, sighing in relief as I realized I was home. I was with some of my family. Emma grabbed one of my purses and tossed it to me, letting me stuff my wallet and phone in before heading downstairs.

We heard a squeal from Zuri downstairs. Emma and I looked at each other in confusion, then shrugged it off. Maybe Stuart surprised her in the elevator. I then heard Bertram talking to people. Maybe Morgan and Christina were home.

"No! No more kids," Bertram snapped.

"Who's this?"

"This is Bertram, our butler," Zuri introduced him to the male voice.

"Did you call the limo?" I asked Emma.

"Of course." Emma smiled at me. "I'm not walking ten blocks in heels."

"Emma, (Y/n)!" Zuri shouted.

"Does she sound okay?" I hissed to Emma.

"No." Emma hurried her footsteps.

When we got to the balcony of the staircase, a wide grin spread across my face. Griff was changed out of his camp t-shirt and jean shorts, exchanging them for jeans and a band t-shirt. Xander had a plain purple tee with jean shorts.

I almost tripped down the stairs as I ran toward Griff. Emma was calmer, but still flung her arms around her boyfriend excitedly. Bertram sighed and went back into the kitchen, knowing there was no problem. Griff kissed my forehead softly as I hugged him tightly.

"How long are you here for?" I asked, pulling away and looking at him.

"Until we graduate," Griff said sheepishly. "Our parents moved here so Xander could continue the guitar business in a better place."

"It's been really busy lately," Xander explained to Emma.

"Well, we were about to go out on the town. Why don't we celebrate?" I offered.

"Sounds amazing," Xander and Griff agreed.

Never going to let him go.

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