It's a Blast!

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"Welcome, campers, to the Camp Kikiwaka Model Rocket competition!" Emma announced.

"They're going to teach us how to build missiles? Cool! Let's see Little Miss Rhode Island try to mess with me now." Destiny smirked.

"This competition is going to be great practice for me. You know, I have aspirations to be a rocket scientist," Matteo explained.

"Is another one of your aspirations to take your mom to the school dance? Because that's happening too," Finn sassed.

"I hope so. The money for Mommy and Me tango classes is already spent," Matteo explained.

"All you campers must build a rocket, either by yourself or with a partner, which you will fire off three separate times," Ravi explained.

"Your three launches will be judged first on altitude, then speed, and then safety," Lou continued.

"Does the winner get a crown?" Destiny asked.

"Does every contest you enter have to end with a crown?" Griff questioned.

"Yes," Destiny replied.

"For the safety round, your rocket will have an egg as its cargo. You must land your rocket without breaking the egg," Lou instructed. "Ravi, show 'em how it's done."

Ravi counted down, and the rocket took off. Everyone awed at it.

"Now, if the parachute deploys correctly, it will allow the rocket and the egg to have a soft, gentle landing," Ravi explained.

"And the parachute is small, so you shouldn't have any trouble packing it into your rocket," Lou added.

"Uh, guys, is that the parachute you were supposed to pack into the rocket?" Emma asked.

"Uh-oh," Lou said.

"Run!" Zuri yelled.

We ran into our cabins, and I took a head count of the Weasels. I heard a splat outside and looked. Ravi had egg on his head and was holding a piece of the rocket.


"Griff," I said warningly as he creeped over to me with his hands out. "Griff," I repeated, noticing the smirk on his face as I slid the parachute into the rocket. "Griff. Griff, no, no!" I screamed as he picked me up, making me dropped the rocket he made onto the floor.

"Relax. We have a few hours until the competition, and you made the rocket in... twenty minutes," Griff said, setting me down on my bed.

"But we need to make sure it's perfect." I pouted.

"This isn't an international competition, (Y/n). This is a bunch of ten-year-olds," Griff reasoned, laying down next to me.

His arm was under my neck as I curled into his body. My nose was on his chest. He wrapped his other arm around my waist, his hand resting on my lower back.

"I love you," Griff mumbled, his soft side coming out. The same phrase still made my heart skip a beat.

"I love you too," I mumbled back.


We winced as a rocket exploded. It wasn't supposed to do that. It was supposed to send it flying. Something must've gone wrong with the way the powder was positioned and the chemical reaction with the launcher.

"Their rocket almost took out News Chopper 4. We owe them an apology," Lou said softly.

"Are you kidding? We just gave them their lead story. You are welcome, Moose Rump's own Stone Stevenson!" Ravi called. "Even when he tells us bad news, he still has a twinkle in his eye."

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