Dreams Come True

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Griff grabbed my hand, and we ran to Grizzly Cabin. I took a few steps back, catching my breath as Griff went over to the table.

"Guys, guess what? I just found out I don't have to go to juvie after camp is over!" Griff said excitedly.

I beamed. "That's great!"

"Congratulations," Ravi added.

"Ooh, are they putting you in the Witness Protection Program?" Jorge asked.

"No, because I'm not a witness to any crime, other than the ones you commit in the bathroom," Griff explained as I sat down on his bed.

"Ah, I get it. You can't talk about it," Jorge realized.

"Because there's nothing to talk about," Griff chuckled.

"Man, he's good," Jorge sighed.

"So, Griff, why are they releasing you early?" Xander asked curiously.

"Because juvie is overcrowded, so they're sending me to a group home," Griff explained.

"And you are happy about that?" Ravi questioned.

"Of course! There's no toilet in the middle of my bedroom. Oh, and you can out the front door without getting tazed!" Griff said excitedly.

"That does sound homey," Ravi reasoned as Griff walked into the bathroom.


"Ha! Your turn," Ravi said.

Jorge knocked the jenga blocks over. "Ha! I win."

"Jorge, that is not how you play the game," Ravi said.

"I know, but I was bored," Jorge pouted.

"Excuse me, I'm Mr. Gribbly, from Moose Rump County Services. I'm here to pick up Griff Jones," he explained, making my eyes widen.

"You're kind of skinny. I'm not sure you can lift him," Jorge said dumbly.

"Look, kid, I'm not in the mood for jokes. I had to walk five miles from town to get here," Mr. Gribbly explained.

"Why did you walk?" Ravi questioned.

"Because the county's transportation budget is zero. I got thrown off the bus when they discovered I paid with a button. And now my shirt looks weird," Mr. Gribbly pouted.

"Wow, it sounds like the county has even less money than this camp. When we play baseball, home plate is an actual plate," Xander said.

"Well, at least you get to work in the fresh air. I'm stuck in my teeny tiny cubicle all day. It just makes me want to staple my hand to my desk over, and over, and over again. Good thing they won't pay for staplers," Mr. Gribbly said, startling me.

"I can get you a stapler from Arts and Crafts, and you could use one of our tables," Jorge suggested.

"Jorge!" I scolded. "Excuse him, Mr. Gribbly, he doesn't know when people are serious or not."

"Hey. I think I remember you," Mr. Gribbly said, opening up his folder. He looked at me and his eyes widened. "So. Partner-in-crime, huh?"

"Yes, sir," I said, looking at the table.

"So, where is this Griff kid? I'm here to take him back to juvie." Mr. Gribbly looked around.

"Juvie?" I questioned in disbelief.

"But I thought he was going into a group home because juvie was overcrowded?" Xander questioned.

"Not anymore. A kid escaped, so now we have a cot available. By the way, keep on the lookout for a twelve-year-old with an orange jumpsuit and a mustache," Mr. Gribbly explained.

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