Game of Totems

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"Welcome, players, to the annual Kikiwaka Cup! It's counselors versus campers," Lou announced, making me grin.

"Let's fight to the death," Lydia said, grinning.

"Lydia, we already talked about this. No one is dying," I said, annoyed.

Lydia chuckled. "That's what you think."

"Speaking of dying, when is the competitiveness going to end? You already know we're going to beat you," Griff said, strolling up to me.

"That's what you said last year," I said, grinning. "And look how that turned out in the first round."

"Don't remind me of last year," Griff said gravely.

"Well, my attacks are getting better," I reasoned.

"Still," Griff said. He kissed my forehead, making me a blushing mess. He smirked, walking over to his side, knowing he could do that to me. I cleared my mind, shaking off the butterflies in my stomach.

"The object of the game is to grab the opposing team's totem from their home base," Lou continued.

"Can the two team captains please step forward," Ravi instructed.

Zuri and Lou stepped forward. I held my head high, winking at Griff before turning back to a conversation I was having with another counselor.

"As captain of the campers, I present to you our totem," Zuri said, holding the teal object up. "And our home base will be the flagpole."

"And I present the counselors' totem. And our home base will be the North Meadow," Lou explained.

I didn't do the cheer that we came up with. It sounded like a gorilla cheering on a sports game.

"Which is exactly where you're gonna get your tushies whipped," Zuri threatened.

"Good luck. Last time the campers won, mullets were still in fashion," Lou replied.

"That was one ugly winners' picture," Emma commented.

"And, we're gonna cream you campers again, because this year, we have miss juvie soldier, and we have Oscar," Lou said, grinning at me.

"You got that right," Oscar agreed. "I call this one Thor, and this one The Rock."

Oscar started doing pushups, and Ravi stepped over him. Griff scoffed at how his muscles showed.

"Please. I've had inmates my age who had bigger muscles than yours," Griff said.

I raised an eyebrow at him. He looked up at me and shrugged.

"Are you jealous?" I asked, walking up to him.

Griff snorted. "Please. I'm jealous of that oaf? No way."

I hummed. "That glint in your eye tells me otherwise."

"Why don't we call it being protective?" Griff suggested.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because I didn't like the way he was looking at you," Griff hissed.

"You realize he's nineteen and has failed tenth grade four times?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. I kissed his cheek, making him blush. "Besides... you're way hotter."

I stepped away as Lydia stepped forward. The teams might think we were plotting something.

"We're not afraid of you wimps. This year, we're finally gonna win," Lydia said excitedly.

"We've got the dream team," Zuri agreed. "Finn, who's fearless, Destiny, who's cutthroat, Griff, who can make anyone fall with one move, and Lydia, who's generally terrifying."

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