Dick's Polyamorous Team-Dating

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-requested by the wonderful WallyandDick ! I loved writing this!-

-AU where the team dating itself.-

"Kissy kissy." Dick said.


"No, Kissy kissy!" The teen ordered, planting a kiss on his (boy)friend's cheek. 

"If you want to kiss someone, kiss Wally." 

"Fine!" Dick flounced over to the redhead. "Wally! Kiss!" 

The speedster planted a peck on his cheek. "Pass that on to M'gann."

"Kay." He skipped over. "Come down here."

M'gann, who was reading mid air, flipped upside down. Dick pecked her, Spiderman style.

"Mmm Lipsmacker Kiwi ." She observed, licking her lips. "Mixed with.... what's that other one?"

"EOS Strawberry sherbet." He replied. 

"Mmm." She reached out  a hand, still reading, signaling for him to pass. "Lemme try." 

Dick passed the chapstick and watched her apply it. "So, How'd the presentation go?" 

"Good." She replied. "but the audience reactions were a little disappointing."

 "Well you were presenting on the Bush administration at eight am." Artemis remarked, returning from the gym, unraveling the tape on her knuckles. 

Wally laughed sharply, opening his soda. "I got a Bush administration right here for you!"

"Wally, you're such a fuck." Artemis said. She groggily smacked Wally's ass and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

"Pudding cup?"

"no." She replied.

"please?" Wally asked. Artemis sighed, taking out a chocolate pudding cup and tossing it to him. "thank you, you're the best!" He planted a kiss on her cheek. "Ew, you're sweaty."

"I know. I'm gonna shower."

"Can I come?" M'gann asked. 

"Sure, but you have to share your bodywash."

"Well, you were going to use it anyways..." The Martian swooped down after her, dropping her book next to Conner on the couch as she left.

Conner turned up the white noise to account for two people leaving, then turned it down to account for Kaldur entering the room. 

"Greetings, my liege." Dick curtsied. "I have to practice for gymnastics semifinals, can you spot for me?"

"You need to practice? You're a Robin!" Wally said, struggling to open his pudding cup. He eventually tore the foil off and dug in.

"Yeah, but I have to rehearse our routines." Dick replied. "Whatdayousay, Kaldur?"

"I can spot for you." He confirmed, following Dick towards the gym, but he paused briefly next to the couch. 
"How was school?"

"mhmm." Conner grunted, comforted by Kaldur's presence.

"I'm here if you need to talk."


Kaldur hurried after Dick, leaving Conner and Wally. The redhead started licking out the inside of his pudding cup. "What happened?"


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