The Suffering of a Middle-Child

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-A shorter part than normal because I'm having trouble with motivation and grade 12.-

"This is gonna be AWESOME! Bruce is taking Tim on patrol so I get to stay home all night!"

Kori Squealed. "I could be more thrilled!"

"You mean you couldn't feel more thrilled?" Roy asked.

"I can! and I am! I feel absolute thrill!" the Alien grinned, floating ahead as the preteens headed from the limousine up to the Manor. "This is awesomeness!"

"Yeah!" Jason ducked through the door as Alfred opened it for him, nodding in acknowledgement. "Hey, go up to my room! I'm gonna get us a snack."

"Popping tarts?" Kori asked, wide-eyed. She was meant to be fasting from sugar so that the excitement didn't exhilarate her powers, but she just loved sugary foods!

"Hell yeah popping tarts!" Jason agreed. "Seeya in a minute!" He jogged into the kitchen, where his brother and Bart were shuffling through their homework. Jason was about to pass them when he noticed the empty box on the counter.
"You ate the poptarts?"

"...yeah." Tim replied.

The fifth-grader was beyond offended. "We were going to have those for our sleepover!!"

"Well, We had them. Eat something else." 

"I only wanted the poptarts!" Tim rolled his eyes at him and glanced back at Bart. Jason growled. "YOU'RE RUINING EVERYTHING!"

"I can... I can go get more if you want?" Bart asked nervously, more to Tim than to the brother who actually wanted them.

"Eh Jason's all bark, no bite."

"All bark? Excuse me?"

Tim stepped forwards sharply, causing his kid brother to retreat swiftly, tripping over his feet.

"Come on, let's go upstairs." Tim lead her to the stairs.

Jason stormed after them. "I HATE YOU! YOU'RE THE WORST EVER!"


"No one will now." Jason taped a superman poster over the large mark of singed wallpaper. "We've got heroes in here 24/7, things are always broken."

"I'm sorry." Kori giggled, sipping her orange juice.

"Man, Ollie would ground me so hard!"

"Eh. Bruce doesn't care!" Jason shrugged. "You wanna play xBox?"

"YES!" Roy cheered.

"Gun Game?" Kori asked. "GUN GAME?"

"Yeah! Let's play Call of Duty!"

the door creaked open, stealing attention.
"Hi Roy. Hi."

"UGH! KNOCK!" Jason groaned.

"Oh No! He isa adorable!" Kori squealed, grabbing Dick under the arms and pulling him up onto the bed, tickling the boy until he squeaked and thrashed against her.

"Dick! Get out!"

"Hiya, Dickie!" Roy reached over, petting his head. "Are you in kindergarten already?" Dick nodded, leaning into the tough.

"Leave us alone! You have your own room." Jason whined.

"He's so cute." Roy observed. "You're SO lucky to have a cute sibling..."

"he's not!" Jason groaned. "BRUUCCEE!" 

After a few screams, Bruce entered, pinching between his eyes. "What, Jason?" He asked, picking up his youngest son off the bed. "Roy, Koriander."


"Hello, Mr. Todd." She grinned.

"Wayne." Roy whispered.

"Hello, Wayne. Todd." Kori corrected. 

"Bruce! I don't want him at my sleepover!!" Jason protested.

"Dick is just visiting the big kid sleepover." Bruce said, squinting at the wall. "...Nice superman poster."

 "Get him out! we're gonna watch a movie." Jason ordered.

Bruce looked up, suspiciously. "Nothig R-rated? right?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Well, you're nine, and I don't want you to scare yourselves. what are you watching?"

"Bruce!" Jason was furious, Bruce doesn't care what he does normally, why should he care now that he has friends over? He wasn't four, like Dick, he was nine! That was almost a teenager! "We're just watching prisoner of Azkaban!" 

Bruce sighed. "Okay, just don't scare yourselves."

"WE WON'T!" Jason yelled.

"We're old enough to handle it!" Roy added. Bruce just turned away, taking Dick with him.


"Next time we're going to Roy's." Jason grumbled. 

"What? No! We're babysitting her! at least Dick is cute!" Roy groaned. "And sometimes her sister comes over to pick her up and she is THE WORST!"

"Well, it's not like we can steal a ship and go to Kori's for sleepovers!" Jason argued.

"you don't think you want to be by my sister?!" She exclaimed. "She's terrible!"

"All sisters are terrible!" Roy agreed. "So... let's keep going to Jason's!"


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