Polyamory (Proof That Wayne Boys Simp for Redheads)

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-Haha I don't want to write my 60 review questions for physics, and I feel too stressed to do a request rn....-

-I accidently made the age gap between Jay and Dick WAY too big.-

Damian - 23

Tim - 19

Jason - 16

Dick - 8

"You're dating Kori?"


"...and Roy?"

"Uh huh."

"You can do that?" Dick frowned a little. He'd heard of dating boys, and he'd heard of dating girls, but both at the same time? That was new to him.

"Apparently." Jason replied, packing his backpack to for a sleepover with his joyfriends.

"You can date boys AND girls?"


"And you can date boys and girls at the same time?"

"Polyamory." Jason replied. "Well kind of, we're in this weird QPR, poly, mess. but we like each other."

"What's a QPR?"

"Queer Platonic Relationship. It's like the cute queer version of friends with benefits."

"Oh." His little brother said. "what's that?"

"It's like normal friends but you kiss and stuff." Jason replied, deliberating on whether or not to pack his black nail polish. 

"Like me and Wally?"

"Yeah, if you and Wally wanted to kiss each other."

Dick nodded to himself, thinking over this possibility. He didn't mind the idea, he liked Wally. "So you're just friends who hug and kiss?"

"I- I guess?" Jason decided that Roy probably had his own nail polish, but there was no harm in bringing his too. He the threw some glittery polish in with it, just to be safe, along with Kory's favorite shiney green one. 

 "Are you going?" Dick said.

"Yea." Jason swung the bag onto his back. 

"When will you be back?"


"Say hi to Roy and Kori for me." Dick followed his brother to the door.

"Will do."



"Oh now you say ow." Jason laughed. "Now you say Ow? Half way through the tattoo?!"

"It only hurts now." Roy justified.

"Roy," Kori shook a few advil into her hand, squinted at them, and held her hand out. "Take these.

"I think if I took that many advil, my heart would stop." Roy popped all of them into his mouth. "I already got this too." He swigged his beer.

"Stay fucking still!" Jason ordered. He watched their boyfriend swig his beer. "God, I'm so glad that I went first. I do not want your drunk ass holding needles anywhere near me."

"What about your finger one?" Kori asked.

"I'll do that one myself. I don't trust you two uncoordinated fucks, even when sober."

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