The Baby ...i.e Bruce Wayne: tired mom

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-I got the urge to do some compulsive writing at like 3 am-


Damian - 17

Tim - 14

Jason - 9

Dick - 1 (ish)

Hosting a justice league meeting wasn't something  Bruce was necessarily excited about, but the tower was out of commission for a few days, so a few of the leaguers who knew his identity were coming over for a meeting. 

He helped Alfred clear the table after dinner, and set out some water glasses, just to be polite. 

He wasn't thrilled at having characters like Barry Allen around his house on a Thursday evening, but the thing Bruce dreaded the most about this meeting was that his hyperactive, disruptive, Sons had were just getting started for the evening.

Jason rushed through the room, squealing. "BRUCE!"

Tim was on his tail, supersoaker in hand. "Get back here, Twerp!" Bruce reached over and took the water gun. "He started it! He's playing victim!" Tim ranted. "He almost got water on my LED keyboard!"

Bruce held the water gun out of reach. "You two go clean up and make sure there's no water on the floor."


Brue shook his head. "Now." His two middle-children scurried off. Bruce sighed and put the gun on top of a bookshelf in the drawing room. Up there, he discovered a small dish of individually wrapped candies, which he must have hid from the kids a few months ago. He brought it down and put it on the long, dining room table, where the league would be meeting.

Only five league members were actually coming: Clark Kent, Diana Prince, Barry Allen, Arthur Curry, and Oliver Queen. They were going to be discussing how to use their budget because on one hand they were fixing the watch tower, but on another, they had been planning to invest it in defence systems for almost five months.

They had barely arrived and started the meeting when Damian strode into the dining room, carrying in his arms a baby. "I'm leaving, which means it is you're turn watching Richard."

"Damian, I'm in a meeting." Bruce replied impatiently.

"I'm not a full time nanny, father, I have places to be!" Damian stated. "I'm already leaving to patrol Gotham while you're in your meeting."

"Alright, Damian, just put him down on the floor to play." Bruce sighed, pinching between his eyes.

Damian put his baby brother on the clean swept hardwood floor. "I'll get his toys before I head out."

"Thank you."

Dick looked up and saw his father, excitement growing on his face. "Daddy."

"Hi, Dickie." Bruce smiled,  reached down to pet his youngest son's hair. Dick was still relatively new to talking, so it was still pretty exciting. He felt Dick grab ahold of his hand and claim it.

Damian returned shortly with his baby brother's stuffed elephant, and a pencil end with some paper, since Dick had recently taken to scribbling. With that, the eldest Wayne son left.

Nearly all the assembled league members were leaning back in their seats to look a the baby, now sitting on the floor and gripping Bruce's hand. The baby looked around a year old now, with blue eyes and tufts of black hair.

"Hi Richard." Barry smiled down at the baby. Dick blinked a little because waving would mean letting go of either Bruce's arm, or his pencil. He managed to smile a little, though. Barry almost melted from joy, Dick looked like a miniature version of his nephew a few years ago.

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