Chapter 8: Will's Phonecall

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*Will's POV*
I was jolted awake by the obnoxious ringing of my cell phone, I reached over onto the table beside my bed and answered it "hello?" I groaned "your welcome" a voice snapped, instantly the sleepiness in my voice disappeared "Derek?!" I said "no it's Shayla, OF COURSE ITS DEREK!" He basically yelled, I cringed "listen bud, thank you so much for not telling Lux my actual secret, at first I thought you were going to tell her what I really did" I said "I was going to and then I decided to honour our deal" Derek said with a slight chuckle "thanks man" I said trying to keep the sarcasm out of my voice "yeah, yeah, no problem" he said dismissively before hanging up, I set my phone down and flopped back into my bed rubbing my eyes, what had I gotten myself into?

*Lux's POV*
"JORDAN! LUX! MOM JUST PULLED IN THE DRIVE WAY!!" Brayden yelled banging on my bedroom door violently, Jordan and I scrambled off of my bed and frantically put our clothes back on "HURRY UP!"Brayden yelled from outside the door, Jordan unlocked and opened my bedroom door letting me step out before him, Brayden took a good look at us before narrowing his eyes "why is your hair so messy?" He questioned crossing his arms, Jordan and I looked at each other's messy hair and then looked at the ground "never mind, I don't want to know" brayden said giving us both a disgusted look "we'll sneak you out the back" brayden added as we all charged down the stairs but before we could even leave the area by the front door my mom walked it. Brayden, Jordan and I froze and slowly turned around to face my mom, she raised an eyebrow and looked Jordan up and down judgementally "who is this?" She asked bluntly, Brayden opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off "This is my... OUR friend Jordan" I said quickly, Brayden nodded, our mother eyed us suspiciously then shook Jordans hand "it's nice to meet you"she said although she didn't sound thrilled
"nice to meet you too Ms-"
"It's Carey, I took my maiden name back"
"I hate to cut this introduction short but Jordan and I have somewhere to be" I said grabbing his hand and pulling him past my mother and out the door "it was nice meeting you!" Jordan called as I dragged him to his car.

Once we were both in the car I threw my hand over my face "UGHHHH!" I screamed, Jordan reached over and touched my arm "come on Lux, it wasn't that bad" Jordan said softly, I let me hands drop into my lap and eyed him "really" I said crossing my arms, Jordan scratched the back of his neck and shot me a side ways grin "okay fine! It was awful, she's terrifying" Jordan blurted out very quickly, I laughed "I know, I know" I said "now let's get going before anything else happens" I said with a cheeky smile.

It had been 2 hours since Jordan and I had arrived at Ryan's place, Ryan was away for a while so he had given Jordan a key to his house so that He wouldn't have to stay in a hotel. I had been on the couch by myself for 20 minutes now "where is he?" I asked myself, he had gone to get popcorn at 10:00 and it was 10:20 now. I stood up and walked to the kitchen but no one was there, just before I went to check the bedroom a bright coloured piece of paper caught my eye. I walked across the kitchen and picked up the bright pink piece of paper, all the note said was 'check the backyard babe :)' I folded up the paper and put it in my pocket before cautiously walking to the back door, I exited the house and stalked into the dark backyard suspiciously "Hello Lux..." I creepy voice whispered, I spun around but all I saw was darkness, fear built up inside me causing a shiver to run down my spine but instead of running back inside I continued walking along the side of the house "Lux" a voice whispered, I jumped and looked around but didn't see anything but before I could run a hand appeared from in front of my face, I tracked up the arm with my eyes and it lead me straight to Jordan who was wearing Ryan's batman mask "why are you on the roof?" I asked looking up at him barely able to make out any of him in the pitch black darkness "just grab my hand" he whispered, I shrugged and grabbed onto his hand, he pulled me onto the roof, took off the batman mask and led me to a blanket with multiple fuzzy pillows, twinkling star shaped lights surrounding the area "wow..." I gasped looking at the setup, Jordan lead me to the blanket and we sat down "this is... Amazing." I whispered, Jordan smiled "Ryan told me about how you two used to hide from your parents up here" jordan replied, I smiled and looked around at the forest below us.

Jordan took out his phone to take a picture he set the timer and leaned the phone on the wire from the lights, he leaned over and kissed me just as the camera took the picture, he picked up his phone and handed it to me. I looked at the picture and smiled, the stars in the background looked so bright and beautiful and you could see the breath taking forest that we were facing, Jordan and I were kissing but it would have been too dark to tell if it wasn't for the twinkling lights that illuminated us enough to make it clear that we were kissing but not enough to ruin the mood of the picture. I handed Jordan his phone grinning like a little kid on Christmas Day "so... I can put this on Twitter... And Instagram.... And Tumblr?" He asked smirking "only if we take a few for me to post too" I said with a wink. Jordan and I took 2 more super cute photo that looked virtually the same as the first one but in one I had my head on his shoulder and he had his arm around me and in the other he was laying on his back holding me up in the air above him with his hands around my waist and I had my arms spread out like an airplane, then we took a few silly photos, one where Jordan had his hand on my breast and another where it looked like I was slapping him and one where I had draped myself across his lap and finally one where we faced our backs to the camera and held our middle fingers in the air above our heads.

Within minutes Jordan had posted every single one of those pictures on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram. It had been silent for a few minutes before I decided to speak "this all seems so perfect" I whispered
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Well... No"
"Then what's wrong?"
"I don't know, it seems too perfect"
"I guess"
Jordan turned and looked into my eyes "I love you Lux" he whispered, I completely froze unable to speak, I opened my mouth but Jordan just smiled "you don't have to say anything" he said, he leaned in and kissed me passionately "I love you too" I mumbled wrapping my arms around his neck.

Jordan and I had been on the roof for hours now, it was about 1:00 am when I got a call, I picked up my phone and hit the green answer button "hello?" I muttered "Lux! where are you?" My mother asked her voice harsh, I cringed slightly "I'm sleeping over at my friends house" I answered
"Which friend?"
"That boy I met today?!"
"Now Lux..."
"He's just a friend, Mom"
"Yeah right! I want you home right now."
"You get your ass back home young lady!"
"I'm not coming home"
"You're going to have to come home eventually"
"And when I do I'll be able to discuss this with you face to face"
But before she could finish I hung up.

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