Chapter 6: Surprises

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I woke up in Jordan's bed the next morning very sore and in somewhat of a dazed state, I looked next to me expecting to see Jordan but to my surprise no one was there, I stood up and put on my clothes from last night before walking out of Jordan's room. I entered the kitchen to see Jordan making eggs and bacon, he turned to me and smiled "morning beautiful" he said kissing me on the forehead, I smiled and sat down at the table "you should have woken me up, I feel bad that I didn't help with breakfast"I said as he set down a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me "that's not really my style" Jordan said with a smirk as he sat down across from me, I laughed and shook my head before beginning to eat, as I ate all the memories from last night flooded my mind and the sudden realization that I had lost my virginity hit me like a truck, I froze my fork half way to my mouth as I processed the thought, I lost my virginity last night, a panicky feeling began building up inside me so I began taking deep breathes "are you okay?... You look a paler than usual"Jordan said looking at me with concern, I smiled and nodded "fine" I replied realizing that I was being ridiculous if anything I was glad that I had lost my virginity to Jordan.

Jordan and I had finished eating and doing the dishes so we were forced to go back to the pax house, we walked down the sidewalk hand in hand
"To be honest I'm really scared to go back" I whispered
"I'm scared that Brayden will yell at me"
"He won't"
"Yes he will"
"It'll be okay Lux"
I smiled as he leaned towards me touching his lips to mine "awww, how cute can you two get?" A voice that I recognized all too well said, Jordan and I spun around to see the black haired boy from yesterday standing there "what do you want?" I spat crossing my arms, instantly Jordan tensed up obviously catching on to the fact that this was the perverted guy from yesterday "oh... Nothing, I just thought I'd let you know that letting this guy" the mysterious black haired boy said gesturing to Jordan "take your virginity was a bad idea" my face went pale "w-what are you talking about" I stuttered glancing at Jordan who was pale but still as tense as ever "you let him take your virginity, you shouldn't have done that" the black haired boy said with a smirk, I grabbed Jordan's hand pulling him the opposite direction "let's go" I muttered as Jordan stumbled after me "be careful what you do Luxy! I know more than you think!" The mysterious boy yelled after us.

Jordan and I arrived at the house to see everyone out on the lawn, instantly Brayden ran up to me grabbing me by the shoulders "where the fuck were you" he yelled shaking me, Jordan pushed Brayden away "you can talk to her but don't you dare touch her." Jordan said his crossing his arms, Brayden glared at Jordan before turning to me "WHERE WERE YOU" he asked again louder this time "I think I can tell you" a voice said, I stopped breathing for what felt like hours, I spun around to see the black haired boy striding up to us "who are you" Brayden asked "ask Lux" the mysterious guy said gesturing to me, I took a few minutes to calm myself before I finally explained to everyone my encounters with this guy "so he is a perverted guy who stalks us?" Mitch asked, I nodded and the guy just laughed "before you even start talking, I need to know your name." I said hostility in my voice, the boy rolled his eyes "My name is Derek" he said simply, I thought for a moment, I really recognize this guy but I don't know we're from, he took a second to look at everyone before continuing "where to begin..." Derek muttered before smirking "well, I know lots about you all, I have dirt on every single one of you." He said scanning the crowd deviously "let's go over what I know about a few of you before I tell you what I want" he said crossing his arms obviously amused by our pale faces, he looked me straight in the eyes "let's start with Lux and Jordan" Derek said taking out his phone, he held it out showing everyone the picture of us kissing at pax, then he swiped showing another picture of us kissing, and finally a video of me climbing out the window last night and running down the street with Jordan "in case you haven't figured it out yet, Lux and Jordan are dating" Derek said, I gave him a pleading look but he just smiled and continued "and last night, Jordan" he said gesturing to Jordan who was beside me looking very pale and scared "took Lux's virginity" Derek said slowly, everyone gasped, except Brayden. Braydens face turned bright red with anger at first I thought he had himself under control but within seconds he had walked right up to Jordan "this guy better be joking" brayden said angrily getting dangerously close to Jordan "brayden... Dude I don't know what to say, I'm really sorry... I-" but before Jordan could finish Brayden swung at his head with a clenched fist, Jordan ducked and before Brayden could swing again Ryan and Mitch grabbed him pulling him away from Jordan "CALM DOWN" Ryan yelled pinning a very enraged brayden to the ground. It took a few minutes to calm everyone down but when everyone was calm Derek decided to continue "Let's talk about Ryan next" Derek said "no! I said, please leave Ryan alone" I yelled tear swelling in my eyes but my cries only made Derek continue "There isn't much to this one, Ryan is bisexual oh and apparently Brayden is too" Derek said showing everyone a picture of Ryan kissing someone, I didn't know who it was at first but when I figured it out my mouth dropped open, it was Brayden. I glanced at Ryan and Brayden who were sitting on the ground their faces covered by their hands "I accept you, it doesn't change who you guys are and when I say that I feel like I'm speaking for everyone here" I said as everyone else nodded, Ryan and Brayden looked up and smiled slightly. Derek smirked and turned to Will "Will, Will, Will, now yours is quite interesting" Derek said, Will looked at the ground his face ghostly white "you pretended to be helping Lux with Shayla by kissing her but really all you wanted to do in the first place was kiss Lux, you had no intention of helping her get Jordan. that's low dude" Derek said shaking his head, Will looked like he was about to cry, I strode over to him and pulled him into a hug, Will hugged me back silent tears streaming down his face "I'm s-so sorry Lux..." He whispered "it's okay" I whispered soothingly "I promise you that once I realized how much you really liked Jordan I wanted to help you get him... I'm not that bad of a person" will sobbed "your not a bad person at all" I said letting go of him. Derek finally seemed satisfied "so let's get to the good stuff, basically if you guys don't help me, then I will release all this information including the evidence" Derek threatened "well what do you want" Parker asked narrowing his eyes "here's the deal, you guys find me this girl" Derek said holding up a picture of a brown haired girl with bright white teeth, I looked at the picture more closely and instantly I knew who it was "and I will delete the pictures and keep your information to myself" he finished "that's shayla" I whispered, Derek turned to me "how do you know" he asked "she's my bestfriend, she is literally in the house right now" I said "go get her" Derek said excitement in his voice, but before I could move Shayla walked out and Pushed throught the crowd, she looked right at Derek and her mouth fell open "D-Derek?!" She exclaimed, Derek ran up and hugged her, everyone looked at each other very confused at this point "what's going on..." I whispered as the two let go of each other, the turned to me and that's when I saw it, they looked exactly the same "Derek" I whispered my eyes wide "I'm glad you finally recognize me Luxy" he chuckled, Jordan nudged me "who is he"Jordan asked eyeing him "shayla's twin..." I whispered.

It took several minutes to explain that Derek was shaylas twin, they had been separated at a young age due to the divorce of their parents, they had been completely cut off from each other, Derek had gone with his mom and shayla stayed with her dad "wow...." Parker murmured "makes me hate the dude a little less"Jordan muttered flipping his hair "I have a question" I said directing my gaze to Derek "if you knew who I was why didn't you ask me were shayla was instead of going to all this trouble" I asked crossing my arms "because I know you like doing things the hard way" Derek said raising an eyebrow, I rolled my eyes flipping my bangs to the side.

It had been hours since Shayla and Derek had left to God knows were, Jordan and I were sitting on the couch dreading Braydens upcoming rant , Jordan put his arm around me and I laid me head on his chest, Brayden walked into the livingroom muttering curses under his breathe, he sat in the chair across from us and stared at us harshly "I can't believe you." Brayden said shaking his head, Jordan didn't dare speak "I can't process the fact that one of my friends..." Brayden put his face in his hands "had sex with my sister..." He managed to say "I cant even think about the fact that you took her virginity..." Brayden said cringing as the words came out of his mouth "brayden I'm-" Jordan started but was cut off "let me finish" brayden said holding up his hand "but on the other hand, I'm glad that it was you instead of some asshole from our town" brayden said with a tiny smile "I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though I can barely stomach the thought, I'm glad it was you over anyone else" brayden said letting out a breath, Jordan smiled slightly "brayden I promise you that I won't hurt her, Lux is an amazing, beautiful, sweet girl and I will do everything in my power to protect her." Jordan said staring into Braydens eyes "you better" brayden said with a slight smile before getting up and leaving the room, I turned to look at Jordan and smiled but my smile disappeared in seconds "what's wrong?..." Jordan asked, I looked away from him "I have to go home tomorrow" I whispered, I looked back up to Jordan who was frowning, I felt sadness and desperation build up inside me
"i wish I could stay" I whispered
"You're almost 18, you're graduating soon, then you can come stay for as long as you want"
"But... But that feels like such a long time"
"I know"
Jordan pulled me closer wrapping his arms around me as a tear slid down my cheek, Jordan looked into my eyes and smiled softly, I leaned forward and kissed him softly, every time I kiss him I get this tingly feeling and I'm positive that feeling will never go away.

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