Chapter 3: Sharing

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*Ryan's POV*
Brayden and I had told the girls to wait outside before we walked into the PAX House, said our hellos and hugged all excitedly and put all the luggage in the corner, I stood on the coffee table and cleared my throat to get everyone's attention, everyone looked up at me silently so I began "okay everyone, instead of making this speech long and boring all Im going to say is those two girls outside are very important to Brayden and I, especially the one with the purple hair... Lux, she is literally Braydens sister and she is basically my little sister, and Shayla is her best friends, so please make them feel welcomed" everyone nodded "and try to make a big deal of them, they are big fans" I added with a wink before I got down from the table

*Lux's POV*
"Ryan said wait 5 minutes, it's been 6 minutes we can go in now" I said walking towards the door but before I could grab the knob Shayla shoved me to the side causing me to fall in the grass "I'm walking in first!" She giggled opening the door and walking in, I huffed "bitch" I muttered from the ground, suddenly a hand appeared in my face, I looked up and my heart literally skipped a beat, it was Will aka Kiingtong! I grabbed his hand and he pulled me to my feet "thanks, I'm L-" he cut me off "Lux... I know"Will said with an adorable grin "Brayden and Ryan talk about you a lot, I'm W-" this time I cut him off "Will, you're Will aka Kiingtong, I'm a big fan" I said smiling at him "well thank you! Now let's get you inside, everyone is vey excited to see you"Will said leading me inside by the hand.

The moment I got inside I was attacked by Liam aka Hbomb, Parker aka MineplexOfficial or parker_games, and Zach aka Graser10 in a huge 4 person hug, my eyes started filling with happy tears as every cube member hugged me, but then I noticed that I hadn't been hugged by Bayani I scanned the room and found out why, I stared across the room as he stood by the wall talking to Shayla who was twirling a lock of hair on her finger in a flirtatious way, I looked away trying to ignore the jealousy that burned in my stomachs "you're way prettier than her, don't worry" a voice said from behind me, I spun around to see Will standing there "oh.. Uh.." I blushed furiously "Ryan told me you like all of us, but you like Jordan in a different way" Will said with a wink, I felt my face go red so I looked at the ground, Will took my hand and led me towards the front yard "if Shayla asks where Lux is, tell her she is out here with me" Will said to Ryan as we passed him, Will stopped and let go of my hand when we reached the front yard "I don't understand" I said giving Will a confused look "no offence but the moment I met Shayla I knew what kind of girl she was" Will said crossing his arms
"What do you mean" I asked
"She is a bitch, she likes the guys you like because it's like a game for her, she wants to win"
"I hate to admit it because she is my best friend but you are one hundred percent right"
"Exactly, so when she comes out she is going to see us and try to win me thinking you like me"
"Oh! I get it now! Will you don't have to do that though"
"You're Brayden's little sister, which basically makes you my little sister, I'm going to do this, I don't want to see my adopted little sister upset"
I smiled at him but he looked away, he was looking at the house and I knew why "where is Lux?" Shayla asked Ryan "in the front yard" Ryan replied Shayla opened the door "are you ready?" Will asked "for what?" I said but instead of answering he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine, Shayla walked out and just stood there most likely shocked, Will broke our lips apart and took a step back from me "for my plan" he whispered, he turned in Shayla's direction and pretended to be embarrassed that she had been there, he shot her an awkward grin before disappearing behind the house.

Shayla ran at me from the door step and grabbed my shoulders shaking me "WHAT WAS THAT?!" she scream whispered, I scratched the back of my neck "I-I don't know" I said pretending to be confused, Shayla took a step away from me and shook her head, she grabbed my hand and began leading me back to the house "come on you slut, I'm not leaving you alone with a cute boy ever again" she said pulling me into the house, I laughed as the door closed behind me
"Where were you Luxy!" Liam asked putting his arm over my shoulders
"Luxy?"I said
"That's what Ryan and Brayden call you" Liam asked
"RYAN! BRAYDEN!" I yelled
Ryan and Brayden burst into laughter and began rolling around on the floor as I shook my head at them, Liam took his arm off me and laughed before disappearing to talk to someone else, I scanned he crowd of people until I spotted Will, Jordan and Shayla, Will noticed I was watching and waved me over. I walked over and sat beside Will across from Jordan. Jordan locked eyes with mine for a few seconds before he looked away
"Jordan, this is L-"
"Lux, that is Lux" Jordan said cutting Will off
"Lux, you obviously know who this is because you-"
I threw my hand over Wills mouth and smiled at Jordan innocently than shot Will a 'if you say it I will kill you' look before I took my hand off
"She's a fan... Like Shayla.." Will said blushing
"I've heard a lot about you Lux" Jordan said smiling
"Please tell me you haven't heard anything embarrassing" I said covering my pale face with my hands
"Nothing that I didn't find cute" Jordan said with a smirk
I could feel a blush creeping into my cheeks and what didn't make it better is Will made me remove my hands from my face
"She's a little shy" Will laughed putting an arm around me
"Shut up" I giggled pushing him away

~Le Time Skip~

Everyone was sitting on the couches after dinner lounging around until Will said "Brayden, Jordan and I have finished the sleeping arrangements" Everyone sat up and looked at them "Brayden and Ryan, Me and Zach, Sean and Mitch, Lux and Jordan, Maddie and Shayla, you know what I'm not reading this, I'll put it on the table and you can look at is yourselves" Will said throwing the paper on to the table, I stopped breathing for what felt like forever when he said 'Lux and Jordan' I looked at Will who smirked at me and mouthed "you're welcome" I shook my head and mouthed "I hate you" back at him he formed a heart with his hands and smiled at me, I huffed and looked away from him shaking my head, Jordan walked over and sat down beside me "if you don't feel comfortable I'm sure Ryan will switch with you" Jordan said with a soft smile, why does he have to be so damn cute?! "No, no, it's fine! I'm totally okay with it" I said smiling back at him "okay, I was just wondering because we did just meet, Will insisted we share a bed, beats me why but I agreed, you can't be that bad" he said nudging me with his shoulder, I rolled my eyes and laughed

An hour or so later everyone was Asleep, except Jordan and I, we had been laying in our room in our queen bed talking, at first I was very awkward because he was shirtless and that made me so.. Ugh! I'm wearing my favourite fuzzy batman booty shorts and a deep purple tank top with my pastel purple hair in a bun on the top of my head. My outfit made me feel slightly self conscious, I mean I do have a flat stomach and I have curves, but I'm not super skinny. I was sitting cross legged on the bed and Jordan was leaning on his pillow
"Wait, wait, wait, wait?! So he actually tried to take your cat?!" I laughed
"Yep, he broke into my apartment and all he tried to take was my cat" Jordan said
"That's ridiculous" I chuckled
I fell back onto my pillow laughing
"You're very pretty" Jordan said softly
I blushed "thank you, but I want your honest opinion" I whispered
"I am being honest" Jordan whispered
But before I could argue he rolled over and turned off the light.

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