𝙄𝙄𝙄 - 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙩

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276 A.C.

It was no secret that Queen Rhaella had had a lot of miscarriages and stillborns.  And if the babe survived, they wouldn't reach their second name day.

So it wasn't a surprise when the King had confined the Queen to her room and allowed no one to see his newborn son.

Where it was no secret of the Queen's misfortune of birth. It was no secret of the King's pleasures towards the Queen. It was said that her screams could be heard throughout the corridors of the Red Keep.

However, despite no one actually seeing the babe outside of his immediate family — a tourney was held in honour of Viserys, third of his name.

Held in Lannisport, Tywin Lannister had attempted to serve and honour his King, by hosting the tourney of his home place.

A tourney held in honour of a Prince, is a big deal, and henceforth required all the noble houses. Ravens were sent out from the Lannister's seat, Casterly Rock:
One to the noble and honourable Starks of Winterfell, signed for Lord Rickard Stark.
One to the Arryns of the Eyrie, signed for Lord Jon Arryn.
One for the Tyrells — in Highgarden — and the Martells of Sunspear.
As well as their vassal lords and their families.

Despite being named in honour of Viserys, the tourney was no more than a charade, a façade for the King's true desires.

He wished for a Queen for his heir. Rhaegar was of age of marrying. And in true honesty, it wouldn't be difficult for the King to find a suitable match. He, however, wanted a Queen with preferably Valyrian descent, or at least purple eyes or platinum hair. Little did they no, they would find an exact match.

Ok, don't kill me.  It's short again lol.  But I'm merely setting the scene, the next chapter will be longer.  Love you all :)

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