03: forbidden forest and two gingers

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Mary and Adrian arrived hagrids hut. "Hello!" Hagrid said cheerfully to the two teens. Mary gave him a sweet smile and Adrian rolled his eyes.

"Well we outta go into the forbidden forest!" Hagrid said. Then mason came behind them. He had a black eyes. Mary snickered seeing him painfully walk.

"Forbidden who?!" Mason questioned. "Pussy" Mary Adrian whispered. Mary chuckled. Hagrid didn't hear it.

They began to walk towards it. "Alright, we need to split in two. We are looking for pink berries." Hagrid said.

Nobody questioned it. "Let's see..Mary and Adrian can go together. Mason you're staying with me" Hagrid said knowing mason would cause trouble with Mary or Adrian.

"Fine but can we get fang?" Mary asked. Hagrid nodded.

Then they began to part ways. "Did you hear that?" Mary asked as she turned around. "Stop being a wuss" Adrian said. Mary shoved him.

They were looking around. "So.. you and Diggory?" Adrian asked. "What?" Mary questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Are you two 'a thing'" Adrian asked before fake gagging. "Not jealous are we now, darling?" Mary smirked.

"Hey, I'm gonna ignore  that you just called me jealous but you did well with Annabelle earlier" Adrian told the girl as he help the lantern.

"Yes, I suppose. It's sick seeing her upset. She's so pretty and intelligent. She's also very kind" Mary said.

"I think you're in love" Adrian smirked. "Piss off" Mary asked smiling.

Despite the fact Mary had quite a bit of hatred for Adrian, Adrian also hated seeing her win. But it wasn't obvious he had feelings towards her.

Mary kneeled down. "Pucey" Mary called. Adrian stopped. "Well, Ms.Miller, seems like you've found the berries." Adrian said.

"Well, looks like you're help ease utterly useless today, Adrian" Mary smiled. "Haha. Very funny" Adrian rolled his eyes.

"Great job! Yer' great at finding stuff, Mary!" Hagrid smiled. Adrian rolled his eyes again. "Off you go now" Hagrid smiled.

"Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there" Mary smiled.

They began to walk back to the castle. There was silence. "Wonder what happened to mason" Mary said turning towards Adrian.

Adrian shrugged. They seen a couple people sneaking out.

Anne Washington came up beside Adrian. Mary groaned. "Well don't get upset on my account!" Anne smirked.

"Well, Anne I would say it was lovely to see you" Mary smiled. Anne gave her a confused look. "But it isn't" Mary added finally.

"Well, Mary what are you doing here?" Anne asked. Adrian was completely silent. "Why?" Mary asked.

"Well I suspect you were sleeping around" Anne said. Mary paused. "Actually Anne, if you were so bloody thick headed you would have realized we came from the forbidden forest as detention." Mary glared.

Anne looked embarrassed. "What nothing to say now? You shouldn't slut shame other girls, Washington. It's pathetic" Mary glared.

Mary then walked off leaving her with Adrian.

Mary was then approached. "Hello, Mary" hermione granger said. "Hi! What are you doing out? Curfew is about to start?" Mary asked. "Well, you see..uhm well I need help" hermione said. "With?" Mary asked.

"Boys..?" Hermione said smiling. Mary's eye widened. Her jaw dropped. "Of course I can help you! Meet me, Diana, and ace in the library later.

"Ace?" Hermione asked. "Trust me, HES help" Mary nodded. "Tomorrow at 2pm. Don't be late!" Mary smiled before walking towards the slytherin corridors.

"Ugh!" Mary groaned as she plopped on her bed. She only shared a dorm with Diana. "What's up now, Jane?" Diana questioned calling her my her middle name.

"I had detention with Adrian" mary mummers. Diana let out a small chuckle. "Anyway, we are going to the library at 2 pm to help hermione granger" Mary told her.

"Fine, don't tell my father. You know how he feels about muggle-borns" Diana rolled her eyes. Mary giggled.

"Yes Mr.Malfoy" she pretended to be on the phone. Diana threw a cushion at her.

Diana was sitting on their green and black chair with a coffee table beside it studying.

"Cmon D!" Mary smiled.

An hour later they were bored out their minds. "I'm bored!" Mary complained.

"Go to sleep, idiot" Diana said not taking her eyes from the book she was reading.

They were laying on the floor now. It was 10 pm.

"OI!" They heard at their window. They let out screams. "OH SHIT!" Mary yelled.

The window opened. Two read heads. Can you guess who it is?

George and Fred weasley on their broom sticks. "Oi! Calm down!" George said jumping in their window.

George and Fred were in their year. Both taller than the girls however. Both were in Gryffindor.

"We just need to hide for a bit! We set off a smoke bomb infront of McGonagalls office" Fred said snickering.

Mary let out a small laugh. "Wheres Lee Jordan?" Mary asked. They normally all traveled together.

"Lee wasn't seen so he went back to our dorm" George told the girls. "Mind if we stay for a bit?"

Diana hated living by her fathers rules. She didn't wanna be in an arranged marriage, she didn't wanna hate muggle-borns, and she sure as he didn't wanna hate people because they were poor!

They all began to sit down on the floor. "This has been too long of a night" Mary groaned.

"That's because you beat up mason, had to go into the forbidden forest, and now two red heads showed up at our window" Diana said putting away her work.

"Wanna play cards?" Mary asked. They all agreed.

"Another win!" George said snickering. Fred rolled his eyes and Mary chuckled along with Diana.

They all gave George the candy which was what they would win instead of galleons.

Before they knew it, they all fell asleep.

Mary woke up in her canopy bed. It was wood and it had green sheets.

They twins were on Diana bed. Diana was on Mary's bed with her.

The twins weren't very asleep. "We've got an hour before class" Fred told them. "We've gotta go" George added. "See ya!" Both twins said before leaving.

"D, wake up" Mary said. "Diana wake up" Mary told her. "Diana.." Mary said again. "Diana wake your blonde ass up!" Mary yelled. Diana stayed asleep. "Oh no! Your parents are calling." Mary told the girl.

Diana woke up. Mary chuckled. "Mary! That wasn't funny!" Diana complained.


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