Break Free

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*My beautiful Squidgys!!!! Thank you for all the reads and votes and comments! I love all of you guys!! And thank you so much for supporting my story :D :D :D :D*

*Jinxx's POV*

"Who will fix me now? Dive in when I'm down,

Save me from myself, Don't let me drown,"

I cracked my eyes open to see a fully naked CC shaking his hips to the song. He seemed oblivious to me staring at him so I did the only thing that a young, innocent child can do. I screamed to the high heavens above, "CC MY FUCKING EYES!! I HAVE TO BURN THEM OUT NOW!!!!" and closed my eyes.

I heard a loud bang which I suspected was CC falling. I was too scared to look up. "I'm sorry Jinxxy! Don't tell Austin!"

"Don't tell Austin wha-" I heard Ashley say. There was silence during which I decided to look up. I see Ashley standing there, ogling CC and laughing his butt off. Suddenly, he crashed on the nearby chair, holding his stomach and laughing.

"Wha Ash! I'm so sexylicious I made Ash fall over," I heard CC say from behind a couch he crashed and then I see him poke his head above the couch and wriggle his eyebrows at Ash. Then he turned to me and said, "My deepest sorries Jinxxyyyyyy,"

"It's okay, I wasn't planning on holding on to my innocence for so long anyway," I muttered. Ashley erupted into another fit of giggles – he looked like he was going to explode, "Oh shut up Ashley you know my ovaries exploded when I saw that thing that you thought you erased years ago,"

Ashley looked at me, blushed a deep red, and then started to laugh like a lunatic again.

"What's all the ruckus abo-" I saw dad come in looking all fancy shmancy in a suit, and take in the scenery: Ashley having a heart attack on the chair, CC's head poking behind the couch looking at Austin with a mixture of fear and guilt.

"CC why are you naked?" dad finally asked.

"Oh he just wanted to feel the breeze," I said getting up.

"So next time wear a skirt, we have kids here," dad said with a serious expression.

"Dad, I know how dicks look like, sheesh," I said.

"WHAT? DID YOU DO SOMETHING WITH ANDY?" dad asked, his face turning red.

"No, it's called biology class," I said, putting my hands up.

"Mhm," he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"She's right, they haven't been doing anything," mama Jinxx said behind the counter.

"What the hell? How did you come in?" CC's head said, still behind the couch.

"I was here the whole time...sleeping. You guys are so rude, never noticing me," Jinxx said.

"I notice you!" I said.

"So do I ," Ashley said, winking at Jinxx.

Jinxx rolled his eyes, got up and gave CC a towel. CC wrapped himself into the towel, then made a mad dash for the bunk rooms.

"What are you all dressed up for?" I asked dad.

"Me and Alan are going on a date," dad said, nervously pulling at his tie.

"Don't worry, you'll do fine," I said, making my way over to him and giving him a hug.

"I hope," he said.

Just then Alan walked out, his hair all over the place, yawning. When he saw us, he stopped yawning and looked around, "" he said awkwardly.

"Oh um, we're going on a date today, um, Alan, if it's like, okay with you?" Austin stuttered over every word.

"Yeah, that's fine," Alan said, looking quite uncomfortable. He glanced around the room one more time and then retreated back into the bunk rooms.

I decided to go talk with Alan while an awkward atmosphere settled around the room. I ducked into the bunk rooms and walked over to Alan's bed. He was sitting on his bed, looking off into space.

"What's up Ginger Princess?" I asked Alan.

"Huh? Uh, nothing, not really sure about the whole Austin situation right now," he said.

"Maybe you should give him a chance, you never know," I told him.

"You think so?" Alan asked me, doubt clouding his eyes.

"More than positive, Austin is one of the nicest people I know, what he said back then wasn't true. He loves you," I said.

He nodded his head grimly and then hugged me. "You're one of the best friends I have Jinxxy,"

"Aww Alan, you're making me blush, stop it. You're one of the few best friends I have too," I said, hugging him back.

"I better go get ready then," Alan said getting up and heading to the bathroom. I headed back to the living room where everyone was gathered. I sat on Andy's lap and his arms circled around my waist.

After a couple of minutes, Alan walked out, looking all fancy and headed outside, where Austin was. When they left, CC asked if we wanted to have a movie marathon to which we agreed. Later, the rest of OM&M and BVB joined in.

"Do you think they'll work it out?" I whispered to Andy.

"Yeah, don't worry," he said. I nestled into his embrace and sighed. I really hope everything will be fine.

*a couple of hours later*

It was nearing nine in the afternoon (Panic at the Disco fans!! :D) and after yawning for the past 3 hours I finally decided to get my lazy ass up and go buy a Monster. As I was about to leave the tour bus, I heard voiced coming from outside. I crept up to the door and eavesdropped. It was Alan and Austin, talking.

"I had a lot of fun with you Austin, I think that this might work out," Alan said.

"Me too!" Austin said. Awkward silence followed during which I debated with myself whether or not to go out or stay hidden.

Austin decided for me though, by breaking the silence, "So I just wanted to ask – would you be willing to come and move in with me and Jinxx after tour ends?" he asked, his tone wavering. 

Adopted by Austin CarlileWhere stories live. Discover now