Product Of A Murderer

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Finally I can update! Sorry it took so long guys, first I had the writer's block, then when I wanted to upload the new chapter, everything else got deleted and I finally fixed it all! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter my Squidgys :)

*Jinxx's POV*

*the next day*

We got to California just fine and now OM&M and ETF are getting ready to perform. Which means lots of commotion with getting the equipment ready, everyone running around on the bus looking for what to wear and Alan straightening his hair again. BVB are having their "day off" and are relaxing, watching everyone from the sidelines.

After a grueling 3 hours, during which Alan came up to me numerous times asking if his hair looked hot and Craig asking me if he should wear sunglasses and Aaron asking me if his shirt is on backwards, the 2 bands left to perform.

I trailed after them, dragging Martine with me, wanting to see the show, knowing it would be wild.  Standing on the sidelines and seeing how all the fans went crazy first for ETF and then even crazier for OM&M was amazing. During The Depths, Austin made everyone get on their knees and jump when he started screaming. God, that was powerful, looking how the whole crowd just went wild. Music unites people, no matter age, gender, or ethnicity.

After the show, they all went out to celebrate and even Martine seemed happier, but I decided to head back to the bus. Getting into it, I saw that it was half empty, except for me, Andy and CC. We decided to watch some horror movie and while CC left to get some popcorn, I sat down next to Andy on the couch and he put his arm around me. I slightly tensed up because I told him that we have to keep this relationship a secret because of dad – he can be overprotective, I mean, look at what happened with Alan, and that was just a joke. 

Andy looked at me with a hurt expression and dropped his arm from my shoulders.

"Andy, I -" I started to say to him, but he cut me off.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. We have to keep it a secret because of your dad. I'm sorry, it's just, hard. It feels like you don't like me. . .I'm sorry, I'm just overreacting." Andy said and looked down.

He looked so hurt, I couldn't take it. I hugged him and said, "No, I'm sorry, we shouldn't keep this a secret, either way Austin will find out about this eventually, and we might as well tell him now. I don't want to be the cause of you feeling hurt or sad in anyway"

He put his arms around my waist and pulled me on top of him, so that I rested my head against his chest. CC came in a minute later and stopped in his tracks when he saw us together.

"Wow, well, don't start anything with me here," CC said and sat down next to us, with the biggest smile on his face.

"Shut up CC," Andy whined while I stole some of his popcorn.

"Does anybody else know?" CC asked us and I said, "No but we're planning on telling Austin and everyone else today,". He nodded his head and looked thoughtful, then said, "How will Austin take it?"

"I don't know," I said.

"Oh don't worry, I'm pretty sure he'll support you two," CC said while Andy took my hand in his and lightly squeezed it.

"Yeah, I guess. . .are we going to watch the movie or not?" I asked, trying to change the mood.

"HELL YEAH! A healthy dosage of scary ghosts and hungry demons is what we all need right now," CC said and put in Sinister.


After the movie ended, CC left to go get something to eat and me and Andy stayed behind.

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