Repeating Apologies

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I finally found some motivation to write and I came up with some ideas for the story :D! My lovely Squidgy's I will upload much more often from now on because my brain is bursting with ideas DX :D! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter!!! Love you all!!!

*Jinxx's POV*

In the span of the next 2 hours, everyone started to pile back into the bus. But after 4 hours, I started to worry, since Martine still didn't come back. After voicing my concerns, Austin decided to split us up into teams and go look for her. 

Walking out into the cold, dark night, I hoped to everything out there that she's fine. 

*1 hour later*

After searching behind every alley, trash can, and in every apartment building, I started to lose hope that we'll ever find her. What if she was kidnapped and murdered by now? Or even worse?

But after 5 minutes of that stupid thought, I got a call from Austin saying that CC found her. So me, Andy, Ashley, Aaron, and Craig ran back to the bus. 

Rushing into the bus, we see Martine on the couch, wrapped in blankets and in the arms of Austin, who was patting her head and hugging her close.

To recap the story, Austin said that CC was the one to find her, curled up and crying in one of the alley ways. After asking her what happened, she said that she was raped. 

"God that's fucking terrible, we should go to the police," Andy said angrily.

"I did, but she refused to press charges," Austin said, confusion clouding his features. 

"What?...Maybe she's just under shock, come on, let her sleep," Ashley said, scooping Martine into his arms and walking into the bunk room, with me close behind. 

After setting her into one of the beds, I sat down next to her and held her hand. After a while, she started to speak and told me that she deserved it, after killing her baby. No matter how hard I tried to tell her otherwise, she wouldn't believe me. She seemed to be falling into a deep dark abyss and she just couldn't stop.

*the next day*

I woke up and was disoriented for a minute or two. I was lying on top of Andy's chest, with his arms wrapped loosely around me. I sat up carefully, trying not to wake Andy up in the process. Looking around, I saw that no one else had woken up yet. Max was lying with his head on Craig's stomach, CC had his head on Jinxx's shoulder, snoring loudly and Alan and Austin had their arms around each other, with Austin snoring soundly. Ashley, Jake and the rest of ETF were nowhere to be seen.

Walking out of the bunk room, I'm suddenly swept off my feet by an overexcited CC who threw me over his shoulder and ran out the bus.

"Let me down!" I yelled, pounding on his back.

"NEVAH!" he yelled back and laughed like a lunatic. I sighed and let him carry me off to wherever he wanted to go. But we didn't get far past the front door before he suddenly broke down in sobs and sat on the floor, dragging me down with him and hugging me like I was a stuffed animal. 

"CC! What's wrong? Hey, stop crying, it's okay! Shh, shh," I said, hugging him close and trying hard to stop his crying. 

"I...broke up...with my girlfriend...3 days ago...and it's really hard...for me to fucking cope with," CC said, closing his eyes and sniffling. 

He had a girlfriend? Damn, that guy sure knows how to hide really important things from everyone. 

"CC it'll be fine, you'll find someone worth your time and love, you're an amazing guy and any girl would be lucky to have you," I said, finally getting poor CC to stop his crying. 

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