This One's For You

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*Jinxx's POV*

I woke up and glanced around; Austin was already out of bed so I followed suit. I got dressed in black leggings, black Vans and Sons of Anarchy tank top. My cuts were fully exposed so I pulled on my purple Narnia jacket. Looking out the window, I saw that it was going to be a beautiful day. The sky was a flawless blue, not a cloud in sight.

Walking downstairs, I smelled bacon cooking. Mmm, it smelled so good I practically floated down the stairs, following my nose.

Austin was cooking, and singing King For A Day softly. I didn't want to interrupt, so I quietly sat down in a chair and waited for him to turn around. He has a really good voice, so soothing. When he turned around he saw me, and almost dropped the skillet.

"Wow, you know how to be quiet Jinxxy - are you a secret spy or a ninja by any chance?" he asked me, holding onto his heart dramatically.

"Hey! I just didn't want to interrupt!" I said, and chuckled.

"Well, goal accomplished then," he said to me and put the bacon on the plate. I dug in while he looked at me.

"Wha?" I asked him.

Getting up, he said, "I have something to give you," a mysterious sparkle in his eyes.

He went upstairs with me following close behind, trying to swallow all the bacon without choking to death. He lead me to his room and opened the closet door. I sat down on his bed and picked up Squidgy. Not being able to help it, I started to sing "Squidgy! Falalala!" holding onto Squidgy's tentacles and dancing around his bed.

Austin glanced around the closet door at me, then came over and took 2 of Squidgy's tentacles and started dancing and singing along with me.

When we finished, I collapsed on the bed while Austin put Squidgy on my head. He went back to the closet and I heard rustling. I looked up and saw Austin come out of the closet holding 5 bags with the Hot Topic logo. He put them on the floor and went back to get another 3. When he sat them down on the floor with other bags, he said to me, "I know that we can't go shopping for clothes now because you know, um, complications, so I thought I'll buy some stuff now,"

"Austin you didn't have to," I said to him.

"Yeah yeah, too bad I don't accept returns," he said and offered me a smile.

I smiled back, feeling beyond grateful, and said, "Thank you,"

"I'll bring these to your room and then we're going to Vic's place," he said to me.

"Wait, who's Vic?" I asked as I followed Austin to my room. OMG, maybe it's THE Vic?

"Vic Fuentes, he's from Pierce the Veil," He said putting the bags on my bed.

"Why?" I asked, fangirling inside. 

"Because, um, because," he looked at me, then at my wrist and then looked down. I think he did it unconsciously, but I understood what he meant. I know that Vic had a self harm problem and how he ended up stopping because his brother looked up to him.

"I understand Austin," I said to him.

He looked at me and said, "I'm sorry, but when you were sleeping I kinda looked through your stuff to find the blades. I believe I threw them all out but I'm not sure,"

I went to the bathroom and looked through my makeup bag. All my blades were gone. God, this will be so hard. But I did have one extra blade hidden in my suitcase. I didn't check if it was still there.

"Don't worry sweetie, we'll get through this," he said, enveloping me into a hug. "You don't need those blades to live," he said.

"Thanks Austin," I said gratefully. "So, um, we're going to Vic's place?" I asked him.

"Yes," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the staircase. When we were passing the kitchen I practically jumped out of my skin because there was a ginger lying on our kitchen table.


I guess I screamed pretty loud and I guess he was sleeping because when he heard me he practically jumped off the table and fell on the floor. He got up and looked dazedly around. When he saw me, he smiled and came over to me, enveloping me in a hug and then patting my head like I'm a cat, saying, "JINXXY PIE! My little kitty, how are you?". Austin was laughing his ass off, holding his sides and wiping away his tears.

"I'm fine Alan, I'm fine," I tried to push his hand away from my hair, because he was messing it up and NO ONE COULD TOUCH MY HAIR! Except Austin. He gets my permission.

"Alannnnn, stooooppppppp, you're ruining my hair, I'm not a cattt," I whined at him.

"I'll still get you later," he said to me, sitting down in the chair and seeming to doze off right away. Austin seemed to get over his laughing fit and said to me, "Welcome to my life. Gingers sleeping on my table, others hiding under the table or in cupboards and what not,"

He walked toward the teakettle and asked, "You wanna feed Mr. Sleepyhead here before we leave?"

"Yeah sure," I said. Then I whispered to him, "Is he better already?"

"Yeah, he gets over his relationships easier now," Austin whispered back. 

Before I could say anything, I felt someone's hands on my shoulders and I jumped into the air and whipped around, "TINO!"

"Hey," he said casually to me.

"What the-wait, where did you come from?" I looked at Tino.

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, I got hungry but there was no food in my house so I decided to raid Austin's house,"

"Well," I didn't know what to say so I patted his head and walked over to Austin. He was calmly cutting a piece of bread, in preparation for a sandwich I guessed. He began to stuff ham into it while I observed him, hoping to make him feel uncomfortable. Don't ask me why, I just wanted to. He noticed me staring at him after 5 minutes.

"Yes? You want a sandwich or-?" he asked me. I continued to stare at him, not saying anything. He glanced at me a couple of times and finally said, "Okay you're officially creeping me out". I went over to him and reached up, wanting to kiss his cheek. But I couldn't reach him. I reached up on my tiptoes again, but he was still too far away. Austin saw my struggle and asked me, "What are you doing?"

"Bend down!!" I whined at him. He bent down so that we were almost the same height and I was able to kiss his cheek. He looked surprised and I joked, "Sheesh, can't even get a father daughter moment here with your height," ruffling his hair.

"Father daughter?" he looked at me.

"Yeah, you are my dad sooo-" I said, but was cut off when he suddenly hugged me tightly and said into my hair, "You called me dad,"

I hugged him close to me while he whispered, "You have no idea how happy I am,"

Pulling away and looking at me, tears glistening in his eyes. "I love you so much, little princess," he said and lightly twirled me around. "I love you too dad," I said, smiling at him.

He set me on my feet and ruffled my hair.

"Hey, how come he gets to touch your hair and not me?" Alan said.

"Because he's my dad. And I thought you were sleeping a minute ago," I said to him. He looked at me for a minute, yawned, then said, "No. I'm not sleepy anymore". Tino walked in then and said to Austin, "Can you make me a sandwich too?"

"Yeah sure," Austin said while Tino sat down next to Alan. I sat down across from Alan and after a couple of minutes, Austin served them sandwiches and went upstairs to "look for his car keys". The boys dug into the sandwiches like they have never seen food before and were done in 2 minutes.

I looked around, feeling at home, like I actually belong somewhere in the world, and that "somewhere" is right here with my new OM&M family.

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