I will be waiting

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tae:'you will go back to mexico?'

rose:'yeah you heard right'

tae:'then what will you do?'

rose:'i have to go back .. I dont have any other option'


rose:'are you sad?'

tae:'ofcourse I am sad silly!'

rose:'why tho?we met each other only a month'





tae:'just forget what I told you,its alredy late lets go back,you have to also pack your things right'

not wasting a single glimpse he rushed to walking towards the busstop'

rose:'so it was only a joke i guess,he didn't meant it seriously,..but I loved him tho'

in a blink he appeared infront of her panting

tae:'you love me?'

rose:'yes,its okay you dont have to love me,you must have said only in a friendly way right'

tae:'no..Rose,I love you more than a friend as my lover'

without giving a sec to her to reply he smashed his lips on her.as if Both of them wanted wanted to be with together but sake hadn't set them together.

tae:'I love you Rosita'

rose:'I love you too Taehyung,I promise I will come back once I set up everything there!'

tae:'I will be waiting' 




in front of rose's dorm,they waved the last goodbye.none of them wants to be apart but they had to.

rose:'tae,you dont have to go airport with me okay?I will go myself'

tae:'but I -'

rose:'no buts,you have class right tomorrow.Dont think of too much okay?if we are meant we shall be together again,but dont be sad.Remember I love you.Take care of Shinhoo and Jungkook and most of all yourself'


he couldnt reply more as he was already crying badly

tae:'take care of you too goodbye,Love you.I will be waiting'



hope you enjoyed!did I made your eyes teary?:) then imma sry

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