Step Dad

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dad:'stop arguing your mom must have told you about the contract right?'

mom:'she doesnt know'

rose:'what contract now?'

dad:'you are taking after my company after my retirement so sign it that my manager can confirm everything in tomorrows meeting'

rose:'dad really? your daughter just came back home after a year and you are welcoming me like this?'

dad:'i dont care and you are not my daughter better to say I am your step dad!clear now?now sign this contract so that all my burdens clears at all'

he left throwing the paper on the table while rose was still numbed with what just happened just now

yeonjun:'I shouldnt have bring her here rosie lets go'

rose:'s-step dad?'

mom:'dear i should have told you this earlier he is your step dad rosie after you were born your dad died so for giving you fatherly love I married him.But he dosent showed up any affection afterwards..yeonjun take her upstairs she needs time'

yeonjun:'yes mom sis lets go'

time skip

At dinner~

rose:'dad i singed those papers'

dad:'good jod get ready to be learned management and take demonstrative classes from my secretary mr grey'


after dinner~

yeonjun:'do you really want this?I mean it was nt your dream rosie'

rose:'leave it oppa I still cant believe he is my step dad,why did my appa left us oppa?'

yeonjun:'hey shh its ok dont cry he is there look that big star if you cry appa will be sad dont cry i am here,i am always there for you sis okay?pinky promise'

rose:'yea oppa you are the best'

they promised each other to be by each others side at any cost.

9 years later

?:'yes boss!he is here whom you selected for your replacement'

Mr williams:'yes let him in'

?:'good afternoon sir,hope you will be not able to steal my rose from me again'




next update soon stay tuned 
dont leave me without voting n commenting ur adviceT_T

take care borahae!

seen you soon ^^

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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