House but not Home

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On call~

yeonjun:'where are you wave your handdd'

rose:'yahhh i am jumping already cant you see me here oppa here!'

yeonjun:'come at the right side of the ticket checking'

rose:'wait there! you didnt change a single bit from then, still cant hold patient for a second'

yeonjun:'stop blabbering or I am returning home bye'

rose:'dare to move you will face the consequecens'

yeonjun:'stop talking like Alice'

rose:'okay oka- wait who!? alice! who the fuck is she !? do you have a girlfriend already? how does she looks send me her address i am going to shopping with her everyweekend! do mom know already come on tell me the marraige day already'

yeonjun:'..............'( why didn't dad used protection that nightT_T)

rose:'yah hello?are you blusing ooo my brother come on spill the tea oppa already'

yeonjun:'stop rapping yes she is my girlfriend first let me find you then we will go to her place happy now?

rose:'yeahh o oppa look on your right side yes yes thats mee'

holding on the phone yeonjun ran towards her as soon as he found her

rose:'its like after 50 years I am hugging you'

yeonjun:'are you okay? i missed you so much'

rose:'i wasn't but i am now'

yeonjun:'omo my sis had grow- wait why are you crying dear'


yeonjun:'taehyung? who ?'

rose:' i had to leave him there'

yeonjun:'okay lets talk when we reach home okay?'

rose:'yeah,but I dont know when we will meet next time again'

yeonjun:'dont say that look now I am here with you we will get rid of it okay?'

Time skip--

At home


mom:'i missed you dear'

--:'good you are back now sign it'

mom:'oh stop honey let the girl rest for a bit'

rose:'as I say everytime.. this house doesnt feels like home'




brother sister relations are the best^^ but i fought with my brother just a few minutes ago for a piece of cake~_~ but still i love that annoying creature

sorry if it was short. dont worry I will update soon 

will you really leave me without commenting and voting:(

take care borahae

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