first time with jeolousy

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Jungkook thought taehyung was just kidding but he really made her sit beside him.



taehyung was busy introducing him to rose so he didn't even paid attention to him and answered unconsiously.And jungkook was like watching drama from behind

jungkook:'let them have their time'

class started..

rose:'Oops!my pen'

taehyung:'hold on,I am picking it up'

jungkook:'what the hell happened to him'

class went on..

teacher:ok students we continue this part tomorrow,make sure you have notted down the insturctions of the assingments for next month'

jungkook:'what class have you now?'

taehyung:'i have biology practical,meet you in recess'

jungkook::'well i have too have engineering practical classes,bye'

rose:'what's your name,hi!I have also engineering classes now,I am new in korea can I join you?'

taehyung looked at rose and thought if I was also in same stream with her..

jungkook:'yaa,why not!i love making friends'

rose:'thank you,lets go'

jungkook(smiling):'taehyung-ahh,we are going,lets meet at recess'

taehyung:'bitch stop smiling'

jk and rose went to practical room and taehyung went to biology practical classes..

the teacher was showing something and in the meantime ..



jungkook:'where are you from?'


jungkook:'i am native korean,you can ask me any help when you need'

rose:'thank you,people are very helpfull here,I had already made a friend in my dorm she is choi shinhoo do you know her?'

jungkook:'you live together!yes i know I,taehyung,shinhoo are childhood friends'

rose:'Oo wow,then lets meet together'

jungkook:'she lives in the girl's dorm and i and Taehyung live in boy's dorm but we meet together everyday in recess,she was telling that she has no one to share her talks in dorm,i am happy that she got you'

rose:'oo yaa,shinhoo is very friendly'

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