Way back home

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Rose's pov

currently I am waiting for the plane's departure,sitting at  a window seat in the plan. I was going to home but my heart belongs to Seoul.even thinking about my home and family fear and sadness lingeres me.


Mom:'yeobo calm down please'

dad:'you have spoiled her.she have to work n look after my company'

rose:'no dad please,its my life I have my rights to spend it in my own will'

dad:'dont argue back! you have to learn management and work in my company!Thats final'

with that dad left slamming the door

mom:'dear dont breakdown dont loose hope okay?'

time skip at night

rose was standing in the balcony,cold breeze brushing her cheeks. crying alone that she have to study management so that she can work at her dad's office.

meanwhile downstairs~

yeonjun:'mommm I am home..yah i am so hungry food foood'

mom:'dont touch food first go take a shower'

yeonjun:'okie okie madam.. where is dad?'

mom:'he didnt returned from work'

yeonjun:'and rosie?'

mom:'she is upstairs in her room'

yeonjun pov

I was going happily towards shower since I have a movie night with rosie but some sounds stopped me

yeonjun:'is that rosie? crying?

I listened carefully it was coming from her room

yeonjun:' Rosie? sweetheart open the door?why is my sis crying?open the door oppa is back see!'

as soon as she opened I quickly barged into 

Yeonjun:'why is my lovely sis crying huh?'

rose:'oppaa ..d-dad will sent me to a management instituation to study,but I-I dont want please stop him oppa'

yeonjun:'hey shh first stop crying darling, My friend got the tickets of seoul wanna go there? You always told of SNU.I will make a registration online.you can go and study there happy now?'

Rose:'You are the best oppa!'

yeonjun:'now pack you books You will fly tomorrow without letting knowing dad okay?'



Rose:'again that paining living ahh'




Sorry for late update~_~.I just suddenly forgot the story line.I will update soon.

Dont leave me without commenting somethingT_T

take care Borahae

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