dad's order

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shinhoo:'Ooh i see..okay its late already lets go to sleep'

rose:'hey bae'


rose:'umm taehyung told me wait tomorrow at the  common room after our classes ends,so dont wait for me i will come straight home'

shinhoo:'okk just dont get lost'

rose:'yahh!I am not a baby'

The next day

taehyung:'hey rose..'

rose:'hi tae do you need any help?'

taehyung:'no but umm I..will y-you like to..'

rose:'yes..?i will like to?'


rose:'date?..o sure! I would love too'

taehyung:'ok lets meet outside the gate'





after school

taehyung:'hey rose here'

rose:'lets go..were are we going?'

taehyung:'you will see soon'

taehyung:'you will see soon'

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rose:'yah thats not fair i dont like suspence'

suddenly a message pooped on rose's phone's screen

rose:'o its my mom..wait why she told me contact her as fast?..tae just wait 5 min lemme call mom'

taehyung:'sure,take your time'

on call

rose:'hi mom how are you doing'

mom:'i am good dear but i have to inform u something important'


mom:your dad wants you to come back mexico and to look after his buissness'

she just stood there numb and silent still processing what her mom just said

rose:'go back mexico..?'

mom:yes..get your things packed dad will book you a flight as soon as possible'

rose:'mom why ?i didnt completed my studies yet!'

mom:'dont disobey us ok?come soon'

she hanged up

taehyung:'rose are you done then we should-'

taehyung:'hey what happened?why are you crying?'

rose:'t-tae..I hate those things wake up early work all day night just no! i want to stay with you all..'

she sobbed into his embrace while he was trying his best to calm her down

taehyung:'what happened rose let me know first we will try to help you'

rose:'my dad wants to go back to my hometown,Mexico and look after his buissness'

finishing her word she sobbed harder

taehyung:'you will go back to Mexico?'



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