can I sit beside you

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Shinhoo:'i heard a new roommate will come'

Rosita:'it that me?I dont know my room no is 24/c'

shinhoo:'really!its my room,wow glad to have you as my roommate'

Rosita:'me too!'

Shinhoo:'hey how will be if I call you rose?'

rosita:'yaa sure:)'

Shinhoo:'take it as a nickname given my be'

they went to 24/c and unpacked all her belongings.It was already 10:45 pm so they went for dinner.after having dinner..

Shinhoo:'did you like the kimchi?'

Rose:'I ate kimchi first today,it was good'

Shinhoo:'i will make u learn korean foods'


shinhoo:'tomorrow is our 1st class of the session,we should go to sleep now then'

rose:'yes,good night'

today is the first class of the session.But Rose is in engineering and shinhoo is in natural science so they went to different classrooms.

shinhoo:'rose,lets meet at the cafeteria after classes'

rose:'sure,meet you soon'

rose went to her classroom.she looked around but she dosen't know anyone here.

Rose:'where should I sit'

Taehyung:'kookie look at the girl'

jungkook:'most probably she is not korean'

taehyung:'what is she searching for'

jungkook:'its not of your subject'

taehyung:'she is may be thinking beside whom should she sit'

jungkook:'so call her and make her sit beside you'

taehyung:'why I am wasting my time in these useless thoughts'

rose went to sit in a bench suddenly she dropped her books and pencil case.taehyung came immediately and helped her.

rose:'thank you'

taehyung:'aishh she has such a beautifull voice'


taehyung:'no nothing'

rose:'can I sit beside you'

taehyung:'beside me?oh why not sure'

rose:'thank you'

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next part will be soon updated

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