Chapter 13: Sea Monsters

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Now to be fair, I didn't expect the whirlpool to the Underworld to be unguarded. I mean, it is a whirlpool to the Underworld. They wouldn't want just anyone sailing on up to it. That would be bad press. But the fifteenth head is just excessive.

I think a hydra with eight heads would have been more than intimidating enough. The next seven heads are really overkill. I mean, each one has about eight million black algae covered teeth, and a long forked tongue, and five glowing eyes. Plus all the tentacles? It surrounded our boat already. I gave us fifty to one odd with just one head. The next fourteen popping up were very depressing. 2/10 would not sail through here again.

"I HATE this guy," Hugh growls, dead ass picking up a baseball bat that in my unprofessional opinion will do him exactly no good.

"You've met?" Peter stutters.

"That or there are TWO eighteen headed monsters and I sincerely hope that is not the case," Hugh sighs, "The only way to kill it is to cut off all its heads and burn the necks before new heads grow."

"Can do," Cassian says, smacking one fist into the other as lightening sparks on his hands.

"I will do most of the cutting," Hugh says, giving his bat to Peter.

"I am sensing this is not a punchable problem," I say.

"Nope," Jason comes back up on deck with a chainsaw in each hand. "Take the wheel for Penny. We're gonna need fire."

"Sounds like a plan," I say, going to relieve Penny who is struggling to keep the boat on course.

"Cassian, if it throws us in the water try not to let us drown," Jason hands Hugh a chainsaw.

"I'll take those five," Penny says, levitating two swords.

"What do I do?" Peter asks.

"You and Ev don't die," Hugh instructs, "And stop it from eating Penny while she's stopping it from eating us."

"Reese, can you try to distract it?" Jason asks, starting his chainsaw.

"Definitely," Reese picks up a violin.

Now, I didn't think a whole lot of my brother up to this point. I mean, he looks like a spoiled rich boy. He has no real powers. And me, while I don't have any powers, I have a peculiar set of skills due to my unique up bringing. I mean, I'd trust him to talk his way into a bank or a museum. But anything other than that? He seemed like a preppy rich kid.

But when I see him literally leap off of the side of the ship, activated chainsaw in hand, absolutely nothing to land on but a writhing sea monster who he's attempting to decapitate with said chainsaw? Well. That's a level of dumbassery that I for one can get behind. It's just that—this pasty white Marty Mcfly looking teenager might as well have 'yes sir I'll have your daughter home by 9:30' printed on his forehead. The police probably never suspect him because he doesn't look smart enough to lie.

But. He legitimately leaps off the side of the boat, chainsaw in hand, aiming to land on the head that he's about to decapitate. There is no reason that should work. No amount of training actually prepares a person for that. But he thinks he can do it. What an absolute idiot. I adore him.

I mean, to be fair, one does tend to feel like anything is possible when the Assassin's Creed, Black Flag theme is playing, and that is what Reese is shredding on his violin. (I know shredding a violin isn't normally a phrase. It is when Reese is doing it). The music swells and is entirely louder than it ought to be.

Peter obediently stays on deck with a bat trying not to be dead. Cassian, for his part, runs and leaps off the edge of the ship as well. But the thing is, he can fly. Penny runs to the edge of the ship, maneuvering her blades (she has two batons that turn into blades. They're extremely awesome as is she), to decapitate the heads. Her blades burn so hot that they immediately cauterize the wounds, preventing the other heads from forming.

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