Chapter 13: Through Jason all things are possible

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"I am a victim here."

"Why were you on that island?" the investigator has a spider in his hair, but I'm not gonna bring that up.

"I was kidnapped. And tortured. I'm so thrilled you guys showed up. I have no idea what I would have done! I was going to die! I mean—my dad said not to talk to you before the lawyers came but I really have to thank you guys—,"

"So you didn't know anyone else there?"

"No! I was kidnapped!"

"You're all wearing matching shirts."

"I know that's weird isn't it? I think---right so this is my theory----this is just my theory okay---I think that they were trying to brainwash us into a cult. But you guys are the experts on that—,"

"Why is there a sword resting on your foot?" this guy looks like he wants to throw up.

"It has separation anxiety," I say, resolutely.

"How'd you get that weapon in here?"

"I think the question you need to ask officer---can I call you officer? I'm gonna call you sir you look upset and the last thing I want to do is offend you good people who saved me---saved my life. I think---they should give you all medals. Is there somewhere I can like—sign to get you all medals? I would love to do that for you sir—my dad is going to want to thank you personally---and he'll sign the thing to get you medals too—,"

"I'm gonna come back. And we're gonna confiscate the sword," the officer says, very, very tiredly.

"Okay, good you deserve a break---and if you can—I'd really like to be updated with the case and all because I am like—so, grateful, and blessed—just are you religious---? Would you mind if I pray right now I'm just so filled with the spirit---okay JESUS thank you—thank you sweet Jesus and he's gone," I sigh, with relief, as the door closes.

I close my eyes, mimicking praying. Every time I close my eyes I see Maddy. Standing there, crying that I was leaving. If she was under a spell as I was—then it wasn't her fault either. She truly believed I was there to stay with her. She said—she'd never had something of her own. I feel bad.

When my dad first left me at boarding school he told me I was brave. That he loved me. And to be good. And then he left. And I cried, and ran after him. But the people caught me. And made me stay. And I stared after him as he walked away and was gone. And I cried because I didn't have anyone there to really care that I was crying. And I was alone. I hated being that alone. That's why I left this time. Being on my own, was better than being left someplace where no one cared about you.

And I just left her there alone. Yeah, I don't really deeply care about her (just like my father doesn't seem to care about me), but she thought I did. And that was what counted. I feel bad.

But there's nothing to do right now. First, I have to get out of this police station. I wonder who called the cops? No matter, hopefully my fellow Argonauts are behaving believably.

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