Chapter 7: At least my dad won't be surprised

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"Yeah, dad, I'm having fun. Haven't stolen any cattle, no. Hugh's having a great time," I say, leaning against the police desk.

"So why are you calling me from a phone that isn't your cell phone?" my dad, rightfully suspicious.

"That's a funny story that cumulates in me breaking my phone. Anyway. I should get going now. Just wanted to let you know how responsible I'm being—,"

"I want to believe you so much and yet I don't—,"

"Bye dad, love you. We'll be home soon---oh Peter may call you in a minute."

"Because this is almost exactly sounding like you two are getting one phone calls at a police station--- and I just googled the number you're calling from and it's LAPD ----Anything you want to tell me about, son?"

"Nope! I'm all good, Hugh has everything under control bye dad—love you—bye." I hang up.

The cop at the desk rub his head.

"Why were those guys just carried out on stretchers screaming?" I ask.

"None of your business. Back to your room."

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