Chapter 4: Handle things

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"Someone's coming, there's a ship—" I say, sliding off my dragon's back and hurrying across the run way. I nearly trip in the sandals I threw on this morning. It was supposed to be a simple flight around the island to give Homer his exercise.

The party goers are heading to their private jet. They barely seem to notice me in their hung over haze. One of them brushes up against me. I grab my arm, which is bleeding.

"Sorry," the man says, not at all sounding sorry. One of my brother's friends no doubt. He's disastrously pretty, with the phrase 'don't panic yet' tattooed on his collar bone.

"You should be," I say, touching the blood on my arm. Damn. I was supposed to have a photo shoot later.

"So sorry," he says, holding up his hands before walking away, still smirking. He had rings on his fingers, that must've done it. I sigh. At least I'm wearing a dragon-riding shirt and not a good one.

"What are you on about?" Abe asks, standing with his hands on his hips as he watches his guests head for their private planes. "It's too early in the morning for you to be squawking at me, Maddy, really."

"There's someone coming---a ship. It's past the sirens I don't—"

"Then it's probably tourists who got lost. Send them on their way," he says, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"But I think they saw me—they looked up---like they saw Homer---and they're past the sirens---" I say, quickly, "What if---what if it's monsters?"

"Monsters would have fallen prey to the sirens," he says, shrugging, "Nothing can get past them. and there haven't been any reports of monsters in the area. Grandfather would have told us."

"But then how did they see me----what if grandpa didn't notice? I promise, Abe, they saw me. We need to do something," I say. That boy's blue eyes, the prettiest eyes I've ever seen, are burned into my memory. I swear he locked eyes with me. He was so—beautiful. Just beautiful.

"What? Are you afraid of a few little monster babies, Maddy?" Abe scoffs.

"They eat us," I say, quietly, folding my arms because yes, Abe, I am afraid. I don't want to be raped and eaten. That's what they do to people like us.

"Even if it is monsters. It's nothing you can't handle. I have complete confidence in you, if you put down your phone for more than five minutes you'd make a proper witch," he says, trying to touch my hair. I lean away.

"I make money---what do you do?" I ask, stepping away from him so he can't touch me. "At least I have an income."

"Yeah you're doing your five million male followers a real service Mads, they're really lucky to get that shit for free on Instagram instead of Pornhub," he scoffs.

"I have sponsorships with clothing lines---and most of my followers are women---and I'm not arguing with you," I say, feeling my face flush.

"Right. Just keep telling yourself that. Most jacked-off to boobs in America probably."

"Shut up—just---help me get rid of these monsters," I sigh.

"Ah---no can do. I'm meeting dad in Vegas tonight. We can't all be internet prostitutes," he says, shrugging, "I'm sure you'll do great. Put down your phone for like two hours and you may actually have a good time."

"Abe—" I'm afraid? I'm scared. I don't want to face them alone. Please don't leave me alone here. Again. Don't leave me alone again. I hate being alone here. I'm scared of them. I watched them kill mom. None of those words come out.

"What? I'll be back soon," he says, "Call grandad if you need back up but seriously. You're supposed to be the most feared sorceress that ever lived."

"That's Rhea," I mutter. Rhea is the one who raised the monsters to begin with.

"Well. Second best. Still most jacked off to boobs in America," he says, grabbing my arm and tugging me closer.

"Please, just help me deal with them before you leave," I mumble.

"I have the utmost confidence in you. You know that sissy," he says, kissing my cheek entirely too long. I lean away.

"You smell like weed," I mutter.

"Go on. You're probably going through phone withdrawal. If it is monsters, and not your imagination, then have grandad help you. I'm busy," Abe says, letting me go and backing away.

"It's not my imagination," I couldn't imagine that boy's eyes. He was so pretty. He must be one of the monsters that can bewitch you. Maybe I could keep him. It's not like my dad or brother would notice. Yeah right. Like they aren't here to kill and eat me.

"You never know. You girls and your overactive imaginations," he says, turning away. The others are already mostly on the plane.

"It's not my imagination; you're just using that as an excuse," for when dad asks why he left me alone. When I was scared.

"Bye Maddy. Try to keep some clothes on."

"Shut up," I mutter, tugging at my cover up. I'm wearing a swim suit and a cover up. I was just riding Homer then going to take pictures on the beach. It was supposed to be a good day.

Well never mind. I can handle the monsters. I don't need him or dad. It's better off when they're away anyway. And I'm my grandfather's favorite he will come if I ask. And the monsters looked little, they weren't full grown. I can do this. I will do this. I can kill some baby monsters.  

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