Chapter 11: The Lan Family - part III

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Cloud Recesses was in chaos. The entire Cultivation world was in shock. Qingheng Jun had come out of his secluded meditation after nearly 20 years! Jiang Cheng knew at once it was Lan WangJi's doing, but never brought it up properly, just saying the brief thing like, "So far all the changes are positive,"

Lan WangJi had nodded, obviously falling much more into ease and relaxation as his family's heartbreak was slowly being undone. The youngest Jade recalled the absolute shock his Uncle and Lan Xichen had showcased. Lan Xichen had then beamed into a smile and bowed deeply, speaking words of gratitude that made Lan WangJi give his Father a look of encouragement.

Lan HuiLang had bent down in front of his oldest son, softly cupping the male's face and speaking just as warmly, "Good boy, I'm so sorry for making you suffer,"

Lan Xichen had just leaned into it, quickly accepting his Father with open arms and helping the Sect Leader readjust back into the world. The Jade had also snuck into the Jingshi that night, and the two brother's shed a few tears and emotional words. Lan WangJi cherished every moment. When the news spread through Cloud Recesses, including the guest disciples, Wei WuXian had found Lan WangJi smiling brightly, "You talked to him, didn't you?"

Lan WangJi had been so quick to kiss the younger, embracing him and whispering a scroll full of compliments and soft words of gratitude. Wei WuXian had been as red as the QishanWen Sect's robes, when Lan WangJi had ended to simply kiss the younger.

The only thing that was not working was Lan Qiren. While he was obviously quite pleased to know his older brother was getting his life together, even so it was so late, and truly healing himself, Lan WangJi and his Uncle had been easily avoiding one another if possible. When they interacted, they argued or spoke curtly to one another. This only worsened due to the lectures.

It had been reading scrolls and finding the lines that match the descriptions on another scroll. It was supposed to help them understand the material and help their analysis skills. His Uncle had set no rules, nor added anything else. Just told them the assignment and gave them time.

It had been smooth for most of the time, Lan WangJi almost completely completed with the work, until a very faint poke came at his arm. Lan WangJi gave his attention easily, knowing it could only be his boyfriend.

Wei WuXian glanced at Lan Qiren warily, before moving his scrolls to the empty space in between them. He then pointed to one of the descriptions and then to a passage. Lan WangJi read them and nodded. It was the passage he had found and used for the description. He looked at Wei WuXian in confusion.

"It makes sense, right?" Wei WuXian whispered and Lan WangJi nodded. Wei WuXian then confirmed, "But I found this other passage that also works,"

Lan WangJi raised an eyebrow, but read the new passage Wei WuXian pointed to. When Lan WangJi read it, he furrowed his brows deep in thought, reading the two passages and then the description. Wei WuXian noticed his confusion and suggested, "Perhaps they did not realize?"

Lan WangJi assumed that was possible. The passage he had used was more obvious in matching the description. The second passage was a bit more complex and required one to think about the underlying message in order to match it to the passage. In fact, he doubted many would see the second passage match the description. But Lan WangJi knew Wei WuXian's heart, principles and character very well. It was indeed a passage only people like Wei WuXian would catch.

"That is-"

"Wei WuXian!!" Lan Qiren's voice made Wei WuXian jump startled and Lan WangJi snapped his eyes up towards his Uncle.

His Uncle met his gaze and the fury suddenly doubled. Lan WangJi secretly reached over, and grabbed Wei WuXian's hand, the sleeves of their robes hiding the gesture.

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