Chapter 59: No Envies - part II

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*Triggering themes which I'm sure everyone has realized by now was coming: Sexual assaults / rape. The section will be marked by a dashed line(s) for skipping. YOU DO NOT NEED TO READ THIS SECTION IF UNCOMFORTABLE. IT WILL NOT INFLUENCE THE STORY WITH ANY BIG INFORMATION.

Wei WuXian opened his eyes, staring up at the ceiling. He blinked, hearing movement and turned his head to see a pale and scared Wen Qing, "Lady...Wen?"

Wen Qing gasped and ran to his side, "Wei WuXian, you-"

Whatever she was about to say changed, because she looked terrified, "The torture Wen Xu is going to do...its not what you're thinking. I tried to reason with him...I'm sorry. I can do nothing but heal you and comfort you,"

Wei WuXian felt nervousness creep up. He tried to sit, but grunted and looked at his wrists. They were chained up by huge metal clamps, the chains secured to the ground with talisman. Wei WuXian struggled, "What's going on...he's...he's only going to attack me...right?"

Wen Qing's face saddened and she shook her head. Wei WuXian had an idea, but he didn't want to accept it. He knew the way Wen Xu had spoken to him at the archery contest wasn't normal. He knew the man had watched his movements and stared at him. He knew that if Lan WangJi hadn't gone with him when they were punished in Qishan, something else might've happened. And then there was the Xuanwu cave...maybe he had lied. Lied to Jin ZiXuan and to himself.

He knew exactly what Wen Xu wanted, but Wei WuXian refused to believe it. Wen Xu could get anything, anyone. He didn't need Wei WuXian. Why would he want Wei WuXian?

"I need to get out of here," Wei WuXian muttered trying to use spiritual energy, but then he gasped in pain.

Wen Qing stopped him, "Wei WuXian...your core..."

Wei WuXian looked at her confused, "Its there...its not gone,"

"You have spiritual have a golden core. But your meridian is....the spiritual nerves are damaged, and there are fissures in your core," Wen Qing explained, "I don't know how to fix it because there's never been someone like this. You either have a core or not,"

Wei WuXian's exhaled in defeat, closing his eyes. He then glanced down at the waistband of his robes, "Take the silver bell off...and in my sleeve is a flute, keep that safe for me,"

Wen Qing frowned, but did as told. Wei WuXian explained, "Tie the bell to my sword handle and keep the sword safe,"

Wen Qing nodded, placing the two things in her sleeve and then stood up hurriedly as the doors pushed open. They both looked to see Wen Xu walking in, staring at Wei WuXian with a sick smile. Wei WuXian glared back. Wen Xu looked at Wen Qing, who gave Wei WuXian a fearful look before receding from the room.

Wei WuXian ignored the anxiety that was swirling in him. He glared at Wen Xu who walked over to the bed. He chuckled, "Wei WuXian, I've told you before. You're much more appealing smiling,"

Wei WuXian shot right back, "Say something funny, then,"


Wen Xu scoffed and he lazily sat on the edge of the bed. Smirking, he reached forward and undid Wei WuXian's waist belt.

The anxiety and fear doubled.

"What are you doing?" Wei WuXian demanded trying to stop him, "Stop undressing me!"

Wen Xu completely ignored him and removed the outer robes, the purple fabric thrown to the ground. Now only the white innor robes remained. Wen Xu clicked his tongue in satisfaction, "It's a shame your inner robes aren't purple. You look good in that color,"

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