Chapter 80: Loyalty - part III

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Wei WuXian smiled brightly at the little Wen Yuan. He walked towards the Jin guards and the amulet hummed against his chest as Wen Yuan gasped in fear, quickly fisting the black robes and pushing himself closer to Wei WuXian's body. Wei WuXian stared at the guards while speaking to the young boy softly, "Can I call you A-Yuan?"

"Yes! Everyone calls A-Yuan, A-Yuan! So, Xian-Gege should call A-Yuan, A-Yuan too!!" Wen Yuan nodded.

Wei WuXian hummed warmly, turning towards the leader who had stepped forward boldly, "Young Master Wei, I believe you owe us an explanation,"

"Don't move, don't talk, don't speak," Wei WuXian glared at them, "Wait until my fiance and brother come,"

"And where are they?" The leader demanded.

Wei WuXian narrowed his eyes slightly, the leader biting back any more words and taking Wei WuXian's silence. Wei WuXian then turned his focus to the little child and started a conversation between the two of them. Wen Yuan was a bit shy at first and mostly just listened to Wei WuXian who was telling him about Yunmeng and Lotus Pier.

After some time, however, Wen Yuan began to ask questions and comment on things. He giggled and gradually became a bit more comfortable with Wei WuXian, the two successfully ignoring the Jin guards, who were watching the scene with annoyance and curiosity.

"A-Xian, we got everything you said and..." Jiang Cheng trailed off at the sight of his brother holding a child, "Uh- hello?"

Wen Yuan looked hesitant and mumbled a low greeting, while looking at Wei WuXian. Wei WuXian smiled, "This is my little brother!"

Wen Yuan looked surprised before grinning and greeting louder, "Hello, Xian-Gege's Didi! I am Wen Yuan, but everyone calls me A-Yuan!"

Jiang Cheng's brain short circuited and wordlessly, he glanced towards the man beside him, who had become strangely silent. Lan WangJi was looking at Wei WuXian and Wen Yuan with a soft look. Truth be told, he had missed his son dearly. He had tried to not think about the boy he had raised, the boy he had adopted and given his name, he had tried to not think about children when he was with Wei WuXian, but it was difficult.

There was always an aching in his heart, a dull sense that was longing for the kind little boy. Lan WangJi could never bring himself to think about the future, not wanting to take Wen Yuan away from his birth parents...that's assuming they hadn't died like they had before. Hell, he hadn't even thought he'd ever even meet Wen Yuan in this life...but now, here was the boy that had become his son. The boy held softly in the arms of his fiance.

Lan WangJi walked forward without realizing and smiled softly, "Hello, A-Yuan,"

Wei WuXian's breath faltered at the soft expression on Lan WangJi's face. Warmth took over the cold and he stepped closer to his lover. He then looked at Wen Yuan, "A-Yuan, this is my fiance, Lan Zhan,"

"Hello, Zhan-Gege!" Wen Yuan greeted.

Lan WangJi hummed softly, forcing his eyes away from the young baby and looking towards Jiang Cheng, who had turned to look towards a large group of people walking up to them. They were all dressed in rags and dirt on their faces, moving slowly and exhaustion clear on their features. Wei WuXian's previous smile began to fade at the sight.

"A-Yuan!" The old woman they had met earlier yelled in relief and Wen Yuan squealed in delight, "Granny!!"

Wei WuXian placed Wen Yuan down, watching the little child run towards the old woman. He then shifted his eyes to a boy wrapped in bandages, blood on his arms and dried spots on his robes. Wei WuXian inhaled sharply, "A-Ning!!"

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