Chapter 73: Bloodlust

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Wei WuXian stuck close to Lan WangJi, who had more or less stayed up the entire night helping Wei WuXian of nightmares and assuring Wei WuXian that he loved him, no matter what. Wei WuXian had felt more at ease since months, allowing the older to pamper him. It made him flush pink, which then became red when he saw how much everyone was pampering him.

He loved it, he did but he also felt bad. He wasn't weak and he stated that repeatedly, but the excuse was always the same, "We failed to protect you, let us do it now,"

Wei WuXian gave up trying to argue.

"Wei Ying," Lan WangJi brought him out of his thoughts, Wei WuXian glancing up from the disciples he was helping out.

Grinning, Wei WuXian rushed over, slowing down and softly wrapping his arms around the older. Lan WangJi hugged him back until Wei WuXian pulled back, "What's up?"

Lan WangJi interlaced their fingers and they began to walk, "We're going to go to the dungeon and dispose of Bastard Xu,"

Wei WuXian giggled, "Er-gege, i've only ever heard you swear on two accounts. Because of my brother and because of this,"

Lan WangJi smiled humored, but then sighed, "ZiXuan, Huaisang, and Wanyin are waiting for us,"

Wei WuXian's smile faltered, "Huh?"

"I believe you might need to calm your sister," Lan WangJi informed as they got to the outside of the dungeons, to see Jiang Yanli with a dark expression, patting her fan into her opposite hands palm.

"Ji- Shijie!" Wei WuXian corrected the slip quickly, "What's wrong?"

The moment she saw him, her eyes softened and she smiled, "XianXian, I truly love your fans,"

Wei WuXian raised an eyebrow, looking at her confused. Jiang Cheng sighed and informed, "Guess what happened yesterday evening?"

Wei WuXian couldn't guess and Lan Xichen began to explain.

"Yanli," Lan Xichen repeated again, "Da-Ge, we can't kill him,"

"I know," Nie MingJue responded as the three of them walked into the dungeons, Jiang Yanli leading the way, "We're just following Yanli and taking out some stress,"

Jiang Yanli was fanning herself unbothered by the conversation of her sworn brothers. She walked to the cell and the two disciples looked at her startled, "Maiden Jiang?"

"Open it," She commanded, voice far from her gentle tone.

The guards were stunned still. Lan Xichen cleared his throat, "Open it, please,"

The disciples nodded, opening the cell door. The three sworn siblings walked in and Nie MingJue shut the door behind them. All three of them were greeted with blood stench. Lan Xichen and Nie MingJue glanced at Jiang Yanli, only to see her face still eerily placid and fanning herself lightly. She looked down at the lump on the floor, Wen Xu was asleep.

Jiang Yanli stepped forward and shocking both her sworn brothers, she kicked Wen Xu. Hard.

The prisoner jolted awake, standing up in a hurry. He then hissed as the whip slashes pulled. Despite the blood, the slashes weren't that deep, nor were they life threatening. Each slash had very little power, but the amount was so great that it felt awful and looked horrific.

"Ah..." Wen Xu smiled when he saw them, "ZeWu Jun, ChiFeng Zun, and MingLong Yi. To what do I owe your generous visitation?"

Jiang Yanli's eyes narrowed and she spat, "Generosity? Its true, I've been told all my life of my sweet personality, taking right after my father. But I can ensure you, you're getting no generosity from me,"

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