Chapter 71: Broken Silence - part I

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Lan WangJi was confused and extremely frustrated.

Wei WuXian was avoiding him and it was very obvious. Lan WangJi had tried to talk to him about...ANYTHING, but Wei WuXian only avoided his gaze and made up some excuse before leaving. Lan WangJi wouldn't mind too much, except for the fact that Wei WuXian was talking to Jin ZiXuan more than him.

He knew Jin ZiXuan was a good person, but that didn't mean he had to be happy about his fiance ignoring him. Eventually, Lan WangJi just stopped trying to find an answer and focused on the war. Though his mood had darkened and where he once spoke more, he was now a bit more quiet, trying to refrain from thinking too much.

Like right now.

Lan WangJi was walking down the halls, repeating the GusuLan Sect rules in his mind after another run in with Wei WuXian, who had just glanced at him and then lowered his head before running away. Lan WangJi was so distracted and frustrated that he hadn't even noticed three people had joined him and were watching him worriedly.

He finally noticed when one of them sighed and Lan WangJi was suddenly pulled into a room. Lan WangJi startled, pulling his hand away and gripping his sword before seeing his friends and relaxing. Jin ZiXuan, Jiang Cheng, and Nie Huaisang were staring at him. Jiang Cheng was glaring at him.

"What?" He frowned.

"Did you and A-Xian have an argument or something?" Jiang Cheng demanded.

Lan WangJi's face turned cold, "If we did, I am unaware of it,"

Nie Huaisang raised an eyebrow, "Then...what's going on?"

"Ask him and see if he tells you. He is avoiding me," Lan WangJi huffed.

Jin ZiXuan frowned a bit, before biting his lip and looking down. Lan WangJi narrowed his eyes, "ZiXuan..."

Jin ZiXuan felt the glare and snapped a bit, "Okay, yeah. Maybe I do know whats going on, but in my defence Lady Wen and I have been trying to get him to tell you. We finally got him to agree to tell Maiden Jiang, Madam Yu, and Sect Leader Jiang,"

"Woah! What about me?" Jiang Cheng frowned.

Jin ZiXuan gave a side eye and then grumbled, "He doesn't want to tell you or WangJi especially because he's scared of how you'd react. And WangJi, you haven't done anything wrong, its just...WuXian is convinced he should stay away from you,"

"I already told him his cultivation doesn't matter," Lan WangJi argued.

Jin ZiXuan nodded, pinching the bridge of his nose tiredly. He was only a year older to all of them, making him the eldest right now and it seriously made him praise Lan Xichen for his patience back in the Xuanwu cave, "Its nothing to do with his cultivation,"

"Then tell u-"


The four of them looked at one another before rushing out of the room and heading towards Wei WuXian's yelling. It was near Jiang Fengmian's study and the sight was chaos. Wei WuXian had obviously cried, Jiang Yanli was crying, Jiang Fengmian's eyes were dark with anger and Yu ZiYuan was trying to storm off with her sword in hand. When Yu ZiYuan saw them, she spat, "Give me Zidian! Give me Zidian this instant!!!"

"AUNTIE!" Wei WuXian protested but Jiang Cheng felt himself slightly tremble at the amount of rage flowing off of his parents, sliding Zidian and throwing it over.

Yu ZiYuan grabbed it, the whip summoning in a second. She then finally got away from Wei WuXian, Zidian crackling like a storm, "Where is that bastard?! Is he still in the dungeon?!! I'm going to-"

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