106: Old Worn Paths - I

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"Thank you,"

Wei WuXian steps off the carriage, handing over some payment to the old man driving it. The man smiled, "It was the least I could after you saved me and my trade,"

Wei WuXian shook his head, "It is of no trouble. Had you not been willing to take us, I'm afraid we'd be on the road for a week,"

The old man gave a small grin, "Well, it's my pleasure for aiding you in return, Young Master. Take care of yourselves!"

Wei WuXian bowed to old man, standing back and watching the carriage head off down the path. A scoff puffed beside him and the demonic cultivator glanced over, seeing Xue Yang unimpressed. Wei WuXian didn't even bother asking about what had ticked the teen off.

They'd been traveling for a few weeks now. They were closer to the GusuLan Sect compared to the QingheNie. Wei WuXian had opted to put some distance and following any sort of travel he got while avoiding YiLing and YunmengJiang Territories, he landed here. Through their long travels, he had kept his word and began to teach Xue Yang.

Albeit, slowly.

First, he needed Xue Yang to be healthy and to understand his spiritual energy, reawaken his core as Wei WuXian had done when he first entered the Jiang Sect. The teenager was not excited about the meditation and exercise, let alone the theory and explanations Wei WuXian kept giving him. Clearly he just wanted to learn how to utilize the power.

Wei WuXian never let up and he didn't bother with too much sympathy. Xue Yang clearly was set on revenge. Wei WuXian would've been a fool to grant Xue Yang any sort of power or cultivation with that mindset. So, he had to go slow.

"Come along," Wei WuXian began walking, "The old man said there was a mountain called Dafan due west with a village. We'll head there,"

Xue Yang trudged along, "Can we go on a night hunt then?"

"Are you focusing on circling your spiritual energy?" Wei WuXian challenged and the teenager's face scrunched. The older cultivator sighed, "Xue Yang, if you don't take heed in ensuring you have the body for cultivation, you won't be able to grow your power to its fullest,"

"I lived on the streets for years!! I already have a golden core!"

"There's more to cultivation than a golden core or spiritual energy," Wei WuXian held out a wrapped up steam bun, "Eat and I'll give you some of the sweets I brought,"

Xue Yang 'tsked' but took the bun, unwrapped it and began to eat. Wei WuXian smiled. Though Xue Yang was stubborn and difficult, to Wei WuXian he was just a troubled child. Xue Yang's potential was great and Wei WuXian had grown used to his role as a Laoshi. Xue Yang also wasn't a terrible student.

Despite his persistent grumblings and complaints, he did all that Wei WuXian told him. He did the meditation Wei WuXIan taught him, he listened to Wei WuXian's explanations and theoretical lessons, he performed the physical exercise Wei WuXian told him to do. He was a good student, just impatient.

He would be a prodigy if he had been born into a sect.


Wei WuXian turned his head, "Hm?"

Xue Yang's cheeks were stuffed with the meat bun. The teen chewed a bit before speaking up, "I've never seen you use spiritual energy,"

Xue Yang's head faced ahead, but his eyes had slid over to look at Wei WuXian's hidden face. The demonic cultivator remained silent for a moment, just taking in the look Xue Yang was giving him.

"That's a lesson for another time," Wei WuXian smiles, turning away.

He doesn't want to think about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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