Chapter 48: Unity - part II

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*this is a long chapter

Lan Xichen was quick to slip into the role of a Sect Leader, despite being only an heir. He had been ready to take over the Lan Sect since the age of ten, much to his unfortunate childhood. Regardless, it helped in this situation. The disciples all quickly maneuvered with orders and instructions, everyone finding things to do.

The injured and people with the lowest spiritual energy, along with cultivators who knew healing were in one corner, examining the pouches Mianmian had to see how much of resources was provided.

The Lan disciples took a small area and began to remove strings of the bows for chord assination. The Nie and Lanling disciples took the arrows and swords, sharpening and checking them to make sure they were usable.

The Jiang disciples were spread out being from so many different backgrounds, they went between groups helping. A few disciples took the chance to just rest or take a few naps.

Gu BingWen and Jiang TengFei led a small group of minor sect disciples out of the makeshift shelter and scaled the area. Using spare parchment and mud, the disciples with artistic talents began to sketch out the area of the cave for easier travel, escape routes, and formation of the chord assination.

Slowly, chatter began to fill up the room along with laughter. Never had there been a time like this when both gentry and minor sects were unconfined by politics and competitions. This was reality and a serious situation, but also turned into a time of revelation and friendship.

Wei WuXian smiled as he glanced around the cave. He was in one corner of the cave, where a large space had been emptied for the six young masters of the gentry sects. Wei WuXian had sat down, waiting for the other five since they were checking around. Listening to all the laughter and chatter, he felt warmth.

"Feeling good?" A voice sat beside him.

Wei WuXian giggled, leaning his head on Lan WangJi's shoulder, "It's so wonderful. I mean, this is a life and death situation, but...the warmth and friendship is nice,"

Lan WangJi smiled as well, holding the younger gently and placing a soft kiss on Wei WuXian's forehead. Wei WuXian smiled and lifted his head, leaning up to gift a chaste kiss on the lips, "I love you,"

"Love you, Wei Ying," Lan WangJi returned.

He paused before adding, "Please be careful when you go into the shell,"

"Of course," Wei WuXian promised.

"WangJi, can I borrow you for a moment?" Jiang Cheng walked forward, rolling his eyes at the couple.

Lan WangJi's grip tightened in displeasure and Wei WuXian laughed, patting the older's knee. Lan WangJi turned to the sect heir and nodded, removing his arms. He stole a quick kiss before following Jiang Cheng a bit away.

Wei WuXian snorted, watching from afar to make sure they wouldn't fight. Jin ZiXuan suddenly plopped down not too far from him, giving him a look, "Hey, I wasn't gonna bring this up- but you are going to tell Wanyin and WangJi what happened with Wen Xu, right?"

Wei WuXian looked at him, "Why? There's nothing to tell,"

"WuXian..." Jin ZiXuan frowned, "You do know what he was doing right?"

"Attacking me because I attacked his brother," Wei WuXian answered after a small pause.

Jin ZiXuan blinked, "W-what?"

Wei WuXian raised an eyebrow, "Is that not what was going on?"

Jin ZiXuan hesitated, before shaking his head and smiling awkwardly. He cleared his throat, "You will tell them though...right?"

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