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Ten years later

"Mom!" I cried out,dogging a blow from the beast.

Picking up my skirts, I ran as fast as I could down the halls of the castle.

Everywhere was silent and desserted. The only sounds were my laboured breaths and the beasts footsteps.

I hit a dead end at the end of a hall. The beast was right behind me and I couldn't fight it. I saw an open door to my left and I quickly slipped inside bolting the door.

"Hello Zarahani ."

I turned back in fright to lay my eyes on the most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on. She was even more beautiful than my own mother and that was saying something.

She was a raven haired beauty. With ice blue eyes and red lips. She wore a black ceremonial ball gown and an Onyx stoned crown on her hair. On her neck lay a purple pendant which was glowing.

She looked so familiar. I just couldn't place my finger on it.

"Who are you?" I asked.

She simply smiled at me and said" I am you."


"Is she alive?"

"Why won't she be alive , she's breathing."

"But we have tried everything she isn't waking up."

"Get away from me you seven legged troll worm." I grumbled in my sleep very annoyed with the squabbling voices that are disturbing my peace.

"She's really vast in her vocabulary. I mean that is for a princess."

"Shut up you pig wart"

"Really vast indeed"

"Hmmm tickling her didn't seem to work that means I'll have to try a new...ooh my lord.."

I heard her trail off. I was glad for the silence but slightly worried.

"Your highness Queen Snow , I didn't see you there .."

Queen Snow? As in my mother?

I don't know how and I don't think I will ever but I shot out of my bed and was standing on the ground before you could say peach.

"Mother, I didn't know you were there... well how would I had known I was sleeping..no I wasn't sleeping..I couldn't have possibly be sleeping at this time I was...um ..just resting..."
I rambled with my eyes fixed to the ground.

I continued my rambling until I realized something. Mother on a normal basis would have caught me off the minute I opened my mouth to speak. She wasn't particularly fond of my voice.

I heard a muffled laughter and giggling. My mother doesn't giggle. I raised my head to behold the devil herself.

"Adriana.." I glared at her.

"Yes your highness" she answer and flashed her sweetest smile and looked so innocent to mortal eyes. Only I knew better.

"Is it your mission to kill me?" I asked.

"No. why would you think so?"
She asked.

"Because that stunt of yours could have cost me my life."

"Oh please don't exaggerate Zarahani"

I turned to the owner of the voice and I saw Sali my cousin on my bed.

"Of course, why won't you be part of this plot you traitor." I said.

"Hey how I'm I a traitor. I didn't kidnap you and sell you to the Indians." Sali said in her defense.

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