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"..". I stared at Ravenna blankly. What in the world was she talking about.

"You've never heard of the Jewel of Kadesh ?" She looked at me like had grown horns.


"Were you never taught?" She asked obviously oblivious to the rules that followed her demise.

"Considering the fact that magic has been outlawed in Astoria, I doubt they would teach what they hate." I informed her. But I regretted that decision immediately.

Her once green eyes now turned red with anger.

"What has your father done." She spat out angrily. "Why did he do it?"

I hesitated to answer her lest sparking more anger but my silence did the job I expected my voice to do.

"Are you deaf?" She growled at me looking more dangerous and rabid.

My mind told me to run, but where to? Everything around us was an illusion and she has more power and advantage in here than I do.

"He said all magic has been corrupted due to your evil actions and therefore all magic must be banned."

Ravenna scoffed and rolled her eyes." What rubbish. Just because i made a little mistake he banned all magic."

I wanted to point out that destroying homes, killing people, enslaving different creatures and trying to kill my mother was far from a little mistake,buh I also wanted to remain alive so I kept my mouth shut.

"How then I'm i going to fulfill my plan?" She groaned out.

"How about we stop the whining." I muttered to myself.

She stopped talking and directed her narrowed eyes towards me. Oops...she heard.

"You" she said and started walking towards me with a deadly look. I in turn began walking backwards.

"What about me?" I asked.

"You are the key." She continued walking and so was I but there was no end to wherever we were.

"Key to what?"

She stretched out her hands and instantly my body movement went on hold. I had no control over my body no matter how much I tried to move. She smirked and signalled for me to come towards her.My body willed itself and walked right into her grasp.

"The key to my freedom of course." She traced her icy fingers down my cheek while assessing me with her eyes making me cringe.

"You have her blood...." She circled me like a predator."...her pain.." and I was her prey. "...her will and her dream."

"Who?" I asked confused.

She smiled so sweetly which was such a scary sight.

" Dear you will know soon."

The place began to grow foggy and Ravenna who was standing in front of me was suddenly several feet away.

"Wait!" I called out to her retreating figure." Who are you talking about?"

"Wait for the day the red of blood is all you see and the pages of wisdom shall guide you light."

Immediately she disappeared and the fog covered everywhere blocking my sight.


I woke up with swear all over my body. I was panting like I just finished running a race. My heart was hammering against my chest. I looked around and recognized the place as my room.

The events of the day came rushing back to my head and I was even more confused. How was I the key? Who did I resemble so well ? What did she by me seeing red? How is that even possible?

All these questions kept on swarming my brain causing a splitting headache. I got off from my bed and paced around the room.

I stopped abruptly and looked around. How did I get here? Last time I checked I was in the boutique with Edith where I had my encounter with Ravenna.

I went to of my room and walked through the empty halls. I got down to the kitchen area and saw Adriana helping the cooks.

She looked sad and down,her eyes downcast and movement slow. Tears flowed from her eyes and she didn't clean them up, allowing them to flow down her cheeks and drop on her dress.

"Adri!" I called out to her.

Her eyes raised and widened at the sight of me. She dropped the dough she was kneading and rushed towards me.

She hugged me tight as if I was missing.

"Adriana calm down." I tried to console her crying state.

I ripped her off me and stared at her ." What's wrong with you."

"How can it be." She mumbled and touched me allover as if trying to make sure I was real.


"I was what." I encouraged her to talk but I wasn't ready for her words.

"You faded."


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She faded. I know most people won't understand but when she faded her body kinda went into limbo. So when she came back her senses were high making her hear a person. Let me not ruin it for you but the interesting parts are beginning from the next chapter.

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