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The entire castle was in a frenzy. The servants were up and about cleaning,dusty and arranging. A young girl caring a bunch of colorful curtain almost bumped into me if I didn't move out of the way in time. The poor thing couldn't see.

I turned to the left towards the kitchen. I've been starving all day. It was past noon and my stomach was minutes away from eating itself. I was thinking about all the information I had to consumed. I past by a bunch of servant carrying flowers and what not.

I finally got to the kitchen and grab an apple and instantly fell on it. While chewing my mind went back to what happened last night.

I braced myself to enter inside but before I could.


I turned to see my mother and her daughter looking absolutely livid.

I groaned internally."What do you two want."

"Don't you talk to me in that tone." Mother chastised me.

I rolled my eyes at that statement. She seriously wants to play the mother role now.

I pinched my nose bridge already irritated with them." Look I'm not in the mood so if you aren't going to say anything productive I advise you to leave me be."

I turned away and walked out ignoring Edith's calls.

Those two didn't allow me to enter the library causing the mysterious voice to annoy me even in my sleep. I'm seriously having a hard time believing I haven't lost my mind.

"Sup girl." I looked up to see Adriana covered in mud. Like head to toe.

"Um... What happened?"

Her eyes turned hard." Your sister happened."

"Ah." I'm not surprised at that. Edith normally tormented Adriana in a bit to frustrated her and chase her away from me. Apparently in her opinion I didn't deserve companionship.

What a psychopath.

"Anyway... what going on in the palace." I gestured to the never ending flow of servants.

"You don't know?" She gave me a bewildered look.

"If I did, would I be asking you?" I pointed out.

"Oh." She drops the basket she was holding on the floor." A royal family is visiting."

"Really?" I piped with interest. "What kingdom." I ask.

Adriana shrugs." No one knows. They say this is the first time they are making contact with any kingdom."

"And they decided to come here after isolating themselves for years." I say feeling suspensions.

" I guess so. Rumor has its because of a prophecy."

"Oh for all that is holy." I face palmed." Do people still believe in those things?"

She gave me a knowing look.

"Aside from my mother, sister and this entire kingdom." I added.

"I suppose so." She gave me a sheepish smile.

"So I guess this prophecy is a big deal for them to leave the comforts of their own kingdom."

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed down the hall before it got closer. Adriana turned in the direction of the sound then rolled her eyes upon seeing who it was.

Sir Kolic came into view in all his knightly glory. His eyes twinkled with amusement at Adriana's state. "My my what happened to you?" He snickered.

Adriana simply glared at him and walked out without a word. Sir Kolic eyes went from amused to pained. Deeply pained. It seems Sir Kolic and Adriana have something going on. But based on Adriana's previous action I'm almost certain something is wrong.

Sir Kolic glanced my way then visibly straightened. I rolled my eyes at his formality.

Just afternoon you laughed at my best friend.

"Your highness." He bowed.

"Please Sir Kolic enough with the formalities." I waved his greeting away.

His eyebrows shot up in curiosity at my obviously strange behavior but he decided not to comment on it.

"Do you need me for something?" I asked disposing the leftovers of the apple and picked up a banana.

" Yes, the king requests your presence in the great hall."

"Hmmmm is it about the visiting kingdom." I asked despite knowing the answer.


I stood up for the stool I was sitting on but not before picking up two more bananas." Lead the way."

I started at my dad for about three minutes before his words fully registered in my head.

" You want me to do what." I said taken aback by the request.

"We want to you to personally welcome the visiting kingdom to Asoria." My father said as he was on the throne.

I looked around the great hall gauging the faces of the council members. The same people who said I wasn't fit to be ruler. I wasn't the fairest of them all,I wasn't even beautiful. And they never let me forget that fact.

"You can't be serious." I said to the council members.

"We do our jobs with all seriousness your highness." A bald pale skinned man answer me. The name plate in front of his seat read

Council member Richmond.

"Mr Richmond forgive me if I sounded rude." I sincerely apologized." But I cannot accept this request."

The council members raised their displeasure at my decision.

"Why do you say so." A beautiful green hair woman inquired looking at me intensely.

"I simply do not want to have anything with the affairs of the kingdom." I honestly responded.

"But you are the princess." A black haired man said with an accusing tone." You have responsibilities and duties you must fulfill."

I turned to look at him with obviously anger in my eyes. I was furious at his statement. Who were they to expect anything from me.

" I am a princess?" I laughed humorless." You all realized this now. You didn't know that the day you insulted me. You didn't remember I was a part of the royal family the day you claimed I didn't deserve royal recognition. Who am I to perform the ceremony when I'm sure they do not know of my existence. According to the knowledge of the world Queen Snow white and King Eric have only ones child and that is Edith." I took a breath resting from my rant.

"But dear we want to rectify that mistake." The green haired woman said with warmth in her eyes.

"No. Breaking a glass is a mistake. Denying me my birthright, Isolating me from the court, lying about my existence-" I couldn't help the way my voice cracked at the ending. Didn't realize I had started crying while I talked. The council members seemed solemn because of my speech. Some had lowered their head in shame. Some couldn't look me in the eye. Others had tears in my eyes also my father.

I calmed myself down and wiped my tears." What you all did to me wasn't a mistake,it was as good as a sin. Get your precious princess and your fairest of them all to welcome the visiting kingdom in . I would never do it." I spat and left the hall.

Damm......she got angry. Hope you guys can see the intensity of what they did to her. The main drama is yet to come. When the mysterious kingdom arrives the real fun begins.

I didn't write about the library because I want to dedicate an entire chapter to it .

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