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" And make sure to take plenty water and fruits." The physician ordered Andrea. Andrea nodded her head and I could bet a thousand gold that nothing he said would leave her head.

After Andrea told me that I had faded, a dizzy spell came upon me and I fell to the group. The head butler had called on the physician to check out the now visible princess.

He poked my skin with needles, took my temperature at least four times with confusion evident on his face. He wasn't able to understand how I had disappeared with no trace and appeared once again. In my opinion he wasn't looking so happy I came back.

While he engaged in a conversation with Roger, I asked Andrea what happened. She said I was found on the basement of the boutique unconscious. I brought back to the palace and as they were treating me I suddenly faded away. That was about three weeks ago.

"What about my family?" I asked wondering why they weren't here.

Andrea avoided eye contact with me. "They went on a trip."

The news hit me badly. It was like a sword passion through my chest. They left me to go on a TRIP.

Anger became surging through my body. I was boiling with rage.

"You mean they left they faded daughter and went to have Fun." I said with the last word full of venom.

Andrea flinched at my tone and shock was visible in her eyes. I had never spoken like this. I usually tolerated things but this was another stage all together.

"When are they due to return." I turned to the head butler. He glanced at me with the look one would give a cockroach and turned back to the physician.

An immense rage came upon me and I exploded.

"How dare you....."I hissed standing from the bed and slightly stumbling."... turn your head away from your princess."

I stalked towards the butler with fury burning in my eyes. The butler looked at the physician with nervous gazes.

I smirked at his discomfort. "Now I asked again when is the royal family due to return."

"I-in two we-weeks time." He stuttered out.

I eyed him and turned back to my bed. After laying down, I realized I need some time to myself.

I turned to the butler and physician who were still looking at me puzzled. I laughed deep in me. I'm sure they are wondering where their calm princess went to. They don't know that she's long gone.

"Please use the door, I need to get my rest. It's not easy to fade and appear again." I smiled sweetly at them.

The physician bowed and left the room. The butler continued to look at me.

"Didn't you hear me I said leave." I pointed at the door.

He widened his eyes in shock and looked away. He too bowed and left the room leaving me alone with Andrea.

Andrea's mouth was wide open with disbelief. I smiled as I reached out and helped her close it.

"Don't look so surprised."I chuckled and smuggled deep under the dark purple duvet on my bed.

I turned to Andrea's still bewildered expression "If you are doing staring at me please lock the door on your way out."

I turned to the window with my back facing Andrea. After a few minutes she stood up and left the room.

I turned to check if she had really gone or was trying to trick me. She was actually gone to my relief.

I watched the trees outside dance to the tune of the wind. It's funny that it's so similar to how all my life I had been dancing to the tune of others.

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