Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s Pov

I hurry through the halls. Training ran late and I'm supposed to be with Sonny and Bean right now. I hope Hange hasn't started without me. The thought of the bespectacled scientist makes me smile. I had fun talking with her last night. A lot of fun. I turn down the corner, so preoccupied with planning how to explain my lateness to Hange that I don't notice the other person turning the corner too. I run straight into them. I cry out and go stumbling back, we both fall back on our asses. 

I brush the hair out of my face. "I'm so sorry I- Hange?" 

Hange sits up and fixes her glasses back in place. She frowns at me. "(Y/N)?"

"I'm so sorry, Hange," I half laugh, half gasp. "I didn't see you."

Hange laughs. "Oh it's alright, (Y/N)."

I quickly stand up and rush over to her, helping her stand up. "Are you alright?" I ask. 

Hange nods. "Yup, never better. I was coming to look for you actually." 

I feel my cheeks heat. "Oh yeah, sorry about that. Training ran late." 

"Not a bother, (Y/N)," Hange slings an arm over my shoulder and starts walking me to the courtyard where Sonny and Bean are being kept. "Come on, we haven't started yet."

"Oh, why not?" I ask. Did something happen? Is there a problem with Titans or the equipment.

Hange gives me a funny look. "I was waiting for you, silly."

I blink and then warmth spreads through my chest as a smile breaks out on my face. "Oh." They were waiting for me? She was waiting for me? "Sorry I didn't mean to delay you. Thanks for waiting." 

Hange gives my arm a squeeze and takes off in a run, she waves for me to follow. "Don't worry about it, (Y/N)," she calls over her shoulder. "Now come on!" 

I laugh and hurry after her. 

Hange's Pov

Since (Y/N) got delayed at training we were behind schedule with today's experiments. Everyone was telling me to start without her but I didn't want to, these were her experiments too after all. I didn't want her to miss out. Especially after seeing how happy it made her. It was nice, to see someone actually excited about science for a change. Refreshing. Today we were performing experiments with auditory stimulus. Seeing how Sonny and Bean would react to different noises. I made a nifty little device a while ago that let out different whistles at different pitches and frequencies. We'll be starting with that today. I bring out the device to demonstrate to (Y/N), showing her how to operate it and explaining how I made it. (Y/N)'s  (e/c) eyes widen and sparkle as she examines my creation. 

"This is brilliant, Hange," she murmurs. It surprises me how happy her reaction makes me. She looks at me with wonder and delight and I find myself blushing and looking away. I clear my throat and stand observing my Titans who are rearing to go. 

"Well then," I say. "Let's get started." 


(Y/N)'s Pov

The day of experiments go relatively well. Sonny and Bean's reactions were very promising and interesting, and we only nearly get eaten twice. Hange and I are sitting in her office, eating dinner. We were going to eat in the mess hall but there was so much data to organise we decided it best to eat alone so we could sort through it all. I'm curled up on Hange's couch a blacket draped over my legs and several notebooks and pages scattered around me. I balance one of the heavier books on my knee and am jotting down my notes, scouring the pages. I hum quietly to myself, chewing on the end of my pen. Hange is fiddling at her worktable, tinkering with the various vials of liquids and powders. There's a soft whoomp and a cloud of smoke fills the air. I cough, wafting a hand through the air. The unidentifiable smell burns my nostrils and makes my eyes water. 

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