Converse II

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"Hey," he called out to her as she stood in the courtyard.

She turned her bows instantly furrowing and her heart hammering.

Walk away please...she prayed in her mind.

She turned to walk away but he held her wrists.

"Wait," he said and she turned.

But her gaze remained on the hold he had on her.

She tried to withdraw her hand, but he let go understandingly.

She looked at him now moving feet away from him.

Silence erupted and she titled her to the side.

Her gaze questioned him.

"You're cute." he read his thoughts out loud.

Surprising the girl and him.

Stammering he stared, "I-I didn't mea-mean-"

But his name being called out loud had made him turn back.

To see his hyungs look at him from a few feet away.

"I'm sorry-" he turned to say but she had gone away.

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