Bonus Chapter 1

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"4O1, 4O2....4O3.." she said as she stooped at the book self.

She looked at the paper.

"Third row." she places her hand on the third row of the shelf.

"Foundational Neuro..." she mumbled.

Looking up she traced her finger along the rows of books searching for what she needed. Once her eyes land on the familiar name of the book she needed she furrowed her brows in confusion.

There are five books.

Same name.

Same author.

Which book does she need?

Pouting, she slapped her forehead for her forgetfulness.

Why didn't I ask for the book number?

I can't carry them but if I go back to ask I have to come back again.

The thought of climbing down the stairs and up again made her pout harder.

But left her with no choice but to do it.

Breathing out she turned to leave but was met with sparkling doe eyes.

Scaring herself she stepped back and hit her head on the thick wooden plank of the shelf.

"Aw...I'm sorry..." he said rubbing the back of her head instinctively, taking her into his arms.

"Stop scaring me like that...." she whined and playfully hit his robust chest with her small fisted hands.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you hit your head.." he sighed guiltily.

She stopped him by holding his hand.

"It doesn't hurt Jungkook. It doesn't now. I always hit my head." she smiled.

"You sure you are okay?"



"Jungkook! Yes, I'm sure. And stop talking I have unfinished work and the last thing I would want you to do is to kick ourselves out."

Jungkook giggled and nod his head.

"Which book was that you couldn't reach...?" He teased her playfully with a slap on his arm.

"I'm not short." she huffed.

"You are adorable, you know that right..?"

She avoided the question and turned her attention to the books.

Jungkook chuckled and kissed her jawline before back hugging her.

"What's your problem my baby?" he questioned as his lips touched her earlobe due to the proximity.

She pouted and pointed at the books.

"IU unnie told me to bring a book for her. I asked the name of the book and the author but..."

"Hm?" he questioned keeping his head on her shoulder.

She slightly turned.

"I forgot to ask which one from these five..." she said.

Jungkook smiled at her. "So go ask her.."

"No...I don't want to climb up the stairs again." she pouted.

Jungkook provided her with another solution.

"So take all of them."

"No...Look at them. So thick and big. The least I can carry is two books and now you want me to carry five of them. Which are heavier than usual ones..."

"Who said you'll carry it?"


Jungkook pressed a gentle kiss on her pouty lips and carried the five thick books.

"Let's go baby girl..."

But Y/n looked at him before taking two books to her hand.

"Yah! I can carry them-"

"No. I should have done it. So you are gonna help me to do it. So you can carry the rest I can't carry..."

"I'm a big boy now. I can carry all of them."

"I know you can Jeon..." she sang and walked away leaving him behind.

This girl.

Jungkook sighed before walking to catch up with her.

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