Restless Thoughts

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Y/n sat straight in her once lonely apartment.

But now her mind was consumed by him. Just him and events before.

Regret washing over her as she stood there awkwardly giving him the wrong signals.

Regret washing over her as she walked away in anger after putting him into a terrible state. As he confessed his confrontation with Sooyoung.

Regret washed over her as she saw his eyes tearing because of her.

It made her defeated but now an immense amount of regret.

Maybe he thought I wasn't interested?

Maybe he feels bad for the sudden confession?

Maybe he thinks I hate him now?

Maybe he thinks that am angry at him?

She wasn't angry yet felt defeated. She wanted to open up to him. She only wanted him to wait.

She wasn't thinking straight then but she was sure that she would have done the same if she was in Jungkook's position.

She hadn't opened up and continuously talked about death.

Maybe it triggered him to go forward and find out the truth?

Maybe he wants to give me more space now?

Argh...Stupid Y/n.

He was the reason she began to smile.

He was the reason she felt energetic and happy.

He was the reason she was willing to try.

He was the reason to bring fear into her life.

Fear rose within her just for the thought of losing him and his smile that brought her forward.

He was the reason she stopped the torture to her body.

She never really cut herself.

But starved until she felt sick.

Or became dependent on caffeine.

Because of him, she had changed.

He was the reason she forgot all her worries.

He was the reason for him to have peaceful sleep at night.

He was the reason she was falling in love.

Tears pooled her eyes.

I love him.

I really do.

Grabbing her phone and the coat she rushed downstairs.

Clicking the button of the elevator she stood impatiently.

For the door to open.

And Jungkook to answer the phone.

As the door open, Jungkook answered the phone.


"Jungkookie...where are you?" she questioned him. Her voice quavering.

"Y/n are you crying...?" he asked her his voice dripping with concern.

"Please tell me where you are Jungkook..." she asked again.

Jungkook's brow furrowed in worry, he answered.

"Subway..." he answered.

Just a few blocks away from here.


She needed a deserted place or a less crowded place.

"Park. Can you come to the park?" she questioned him hopefully.

"Yeah..." Jungkook answered and ended the call.

The elevator reached the ground floor and she dashed.

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