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"Jungkook-ah..." the elder whispered nudging his shoulder as the younger's stare was fixed at the girl who was trying hard to remain calm.

Instantly doe eyes shifted to the person who called out his name.

"Leave her alone.."

"Huh?!" Jungkook questioned.

"You are staring at her..." he answered the confused younger. "And it's making her uncomfortable...."

"Why is she avoiding me....?" he asked back. Rather curiously.

"The same reason to which we avoid the younger girls in the hallway..." he told Jungkook, bringing in some sense. "And trust me, Kook, you are going to put her in grave danger..."

"What are you saying Jimin-Hyung-"

"Look around you."

And he realized the death glares thrown at her.

And the whispers that spread around them.

From the girls.

He sighed as he realized.

She wanted to be unnoticed.

And because of him, she received too much attention making her uncomfortable.

Jungkook sighed and focused on the lesson afterward.

But making a mental note to talk to her.

Alone next time.

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