Getting To Know.

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"Y/n." her name being called had her turning back to see who it was.

She frowned a little. Jungkook?

Not knowing what to say. She breathed out a little, a smile painting her lips under the mask she wore.

"Found my name?"

He looked at her and smiled a little too. "Wasn't that hard.."

"I see" 

Not knowing what else to say she turned back to watch the scenery in front of her. From so high above, everything looked so small and easy to conquer if you had to too. Only if it was that easy in real life.


"Hmm?" she mumbled distractedly. Jungkook slowly walked until he stood next to her.

"Why weren't you in school?" She turned to him quite shocked really. "Why are you so shocked?"

"Didn't really expect anyone to notice." she shrugged.

"Well get used to it now. Plus be honored that Jeon Jungkook has his eyes on you now. "

Cocky bastard. she smiled internally.

"Nah...I'm good. No need to be worried." she casually said and turned to walk away.

"Yah! Y/n!Don't walk didn't answer my question."  He called out walking behind her.

Once he realized what he was doing he stopped. 

Damn. She got me following her around like a puppy. 

"Kim Y/n. What have you done to me?" he mumbled.

Y/n on the other hand turned around after noticing no one was behind her. Her eyebrows furrowing in question as he stood a few feet away from her staring into space. She took a good look at his features. For a moment getting lost in his beauty. He wasn't even trying but yet he stood out perfectly from them all. 

Shaking his head he came out of his thoughts to only see her staring at him. She blinked her eyes and quickly looked away trying to calm herself. 

He caught me checking him out.

God...Kim Y/n.

Damn. Good thing I wear a mask.

She instantly walked away, feeling shy to talk or even look at him.

"Hell. I would kill to see what she is hiding behind that stupid mask..."

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